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Winners & Complainers

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Winners & Complainers

Postby Jhg » 02 01, 2023 •  [Post 1]

I was watching a recent elk hunt video on Youtube and noticed a difference between the hunting "teams" that were part of the series. Now, I grew up in a place and with a father that did not foster complaint. The place, it was so regularly challenging physically that it did not even garner comment. To be out in rain, cold, snow or wind was common. The insects in spring/summer were of such ferocity that to even acknowledge them was to allow a crack in the necessary mental wall you built just to operate. It was what it was.
My father, bless him, just never found the time to complain. His mind was busy, his body was busy. He was a wonderful role model.

So I find it interesting that someone hunting would complain. You are, after all, out there by choice. Your gear is almost criminally advanced and well suited. The weather, if we are watching an elk hunt archery style is generally bucollic.

One team might comment on a challenge they were confronted with. Or the weather. But both in service of describing the hunt. Not complaint, but information.

Meanwhile, a different team spent much time commenting on the terrain: the deadfall was so awful, the slopes so steep. It was the central theme of their hunt up to this point. While the first team exuded confidence, competence and calm, the other team, though laughing, really sent the message that they would rather the hunt be easier. Little strategy was discussed, though to be fair it did seep out between comments about terrain and how tough it was.
Another team spent a lot of time complaining about the bulls not being vocal. It was in their posture and their choices. Little video was included showing them covering ground and hunting hard. They lay around a lot. I got the sense from them that hunting vocal bulls was pretty much the only way they were comfortable hunting elk. Since it was noisy in the woods, they had not the confidence to hunt. They were afraid of "bumping them".

Which brings me to my complaint. Comment on conditions, how they affect choices on how to hunt. But count yourself lucky you can hunt public land at all and can afford to spend a week or better doing it. Life is good if you are in the woods. I think of some of the contributors here at WT, their ages, physical challenges and their attitudes. It would do these video hunters who have it so hard some good to spend less time talking about how hard hunting is and more time hunting.
I wonder how many nice six-bys these guys never see just because those bulls are quiet. A lot. A hell of a lot.
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Re: Whiners & Complainers

Postby Swede » 02 01, 2023 •  [Post 2]

Agreed Jhg, but I do not mind complaints if they are being used to serve a purpose.
Here are a couple of examples. "The wind and rain are brutal. Let's go in and have breakfast. Maybe it will let up and we can go out a little later."
"If we get one in the canyon; it will be a tough pack out. Are you sure you want to drop down to the bottom?"

Constant complaining wears me out. "The game commission does not know how to manage elk" and similar complaints, is old and tiring.
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Re: Whiners & Complainers

Postby saddlesore » 02 01, 2023 •  [Post 3]

I remember one cold, nasty, windy, snowy, day. A hunting partner and I were sitting on our mules on a saddle between two peaks.It was snowing sideways, I couldn't feel my toes, and we would not have been able to see an elk at 50 yards because of the blowing snow.

I looked over at him and said "We're having fun now,making memories". He just grinned.

We had a fellow in our camp one year that in three days he said he had a bellyful of elk hunting. So he stayed in camp from then on.One day he decided to wash all the pots and pans while we were out. Nice gesture,but he did not rinse them well and all had soap on them. Next day we all had the green apple two step. Everyone had to head for the closest tree because we had only dug one latrine.Now that warranted a complaint.
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Re: Whiners & Complainers

Postby 7mmfan » 02 01, 2023 •  [Post 4]

I agree in context, but this sounds like that reality show that was put together. The different "teams" hunting different areas, yada yada. Remember, it was made to create drama of some form, and is heavily edited to do so. That's exactly why I don't watch that show, it's not real to me.
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Re: Whiners & Complainers

Postby Swede » 02 01, 2023 •  [Post 5]

7mm, I agree "context" is important. There is a difference between someone saying, "this bacon is too crisp for my taste. I prefer my cooked a little less", and a person whining, "Can't you learn to cook. I hate this bacon. You always overcook everything."
If you get a genuine complainer, you will know them for what they are.
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Re: Whiners & Complainers

Postby saddlesore » 02 01, 2023 •  [Post 6]

Swede wrote:7mm, I agree "context" is important. There is a difference between someone saying, "this bacon is too crisp for my taste. I prefer my cooked a little less", and a person whining, "Can't you learn to cook. I hate this bacon. You always overcook everything."
If you get a genuine complainer, you will know them for what they are.

And they can darn sure ruin a hunt.
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Re: Whiners & Complainers

Postby 7mmfan » 02 01, 2023 •  [Post 7]

I've been lucky to not have had to deal with too many whiners on a personal level during my fishing and hunting trips. As a fishing guide, I had a few gems onboard my boats over the years though. Those guys were never back the following years, they were quickly dealt with by their groups.

I had one guy that I considered a friend for a while, and we fished and hunted a fair amount. He was a whiner, and after a couple of years I stopped going with him. It wasn't worth it to deal with him on a regular basis.
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