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Cripes! I lost my ............

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Cripes! I lost my ............

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 10 22, 2019 •  [Post 1]

OK, take a deep breath and let us know what you've lost while out hunting (no shame, we've all done it). What did you leave behind, misplace for a bit (did you end up finding it?), or just flat out lose something to the mountain forever. I'll start. A very recent occurrence happened just a few short weeks ago with my team. My buddy and I were on our first bull buster (see what I did there) pack out with my bull, dark as you know what. After many hours up upward climbing through the nastiest Idaho U brush you've ever seen, my buddy stops in front of me and said "OMG, where's my bow"! Yepper, he'd lost his bow. I dropped my pack and rack and started doing some backwards half circles till I found his Reign hanging out in a mess of alder about 75 yards behind us. It seems he had put his bow down to grab mine so I could maneuver through a mess of blowdown. That was a bit of an intense moment. Who's up next with a "lost item" story?
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Re: Cripes! I lost my ............

Postby Swede » 10 22, 2019 •  [Post 2]

I lost my GPS. I went back and could not find it. A couple of days later I went back and found it in an opening with a game trail going through it. That was the worst feeling ever. Next to that was the loss of my favorite knife. I knew exactly where I was butchering out an elk in the night. I went back and hunted for hours on two separate occasions. Finally I had to return home without it. The next year I returned to give it another shot. Nothing. Later my cousin and a friend went in to look and the friend was stirring in the duff and uncovered it. It was as good as new. I place a piece of pink plastic flagging on it now.
I lost my new grunt tube somewhere. That is still out there somewhere for all I know. I also left a lantern in the woods nearly 50 years ago. That is still there too for all I know.
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Re: Cripes! I lost my ............

Postby Fridaythe13th » 10 23, 2019 •  [Post 3]

Brother lost his rangefinder this year till he got home and it was right were he left it, in his backpack on the bottom.
I have a bunch of right handed gloves out in the woods and snow bank. They seem to fall out of my pocket when gunning yotes.
Lost some arrows in the woods does that count, one of them might have made it half way back to Minnesota I shot so high. Lol

But I found 2 releases in 1 year. This year we found a polaris 4 wheeler key. That's a tough find.
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Re: Cripes! I lost my ............

Postby >>>---WW----> » 10 23, 2019 •  [Post 4]

Lost my pack once. I had laid it under a bush and decided to take a short walk around the area. When I returned about an hour or so later, I couldn't find it. I thought maybe someone had come along and taken it. Finally, after about a half hour of searching, I was able to locate it. Gosh dang camo packs anyhow!!!! :oops:
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Re: Cripes! I lost my ............

Postby jmez » 10 23, 2019 •  [Post 5]

I lose at least one pair of gloves every year. Just something I plan on now.

Kind of in the same vein. Two years ago hunting with a buddy in MT. We always split up and hunt alone. I was hunting along the side of a mountain and see something laying on the ground. It is a GPS, and a nice one! Nicer than the one I have. Not on or close to any sort of trail, just on the side of the mountain. I turn it on to see if it has batteries and maybe any personal info that I could find to return it. I start looking through the menu. I get to the way points and think, this is really odd. Whoever owns this has some of the same way points marked as I do? Looking through some more way points, not only are they similar where I'm currently hunting but there are similar ones for the other area I hunt in MT and then I find similar ones from where I hunt in CO. Man, what are the odds that A, I find a GPS and B, the owner has been where I have?

Then it hits me, has to belong to the buddy I'm hunting with. Get back to camp that night and ask if he'd lost his GPS. He says no. Now I'm really confused. Ask are you sure you didn't lose your GPS? He looks in his pack and in fact has lost his GPS. I randomly stumbled across it on the side of the mountain. We both should have went and bought a Powerball ticket.
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Re: Cripes! I lost my ............

Postby Lefty » 10 24, 2019 •  [Post 6]

I set my wapiti hat on a log while taking a break
Ran into a fellow hunting the same canyon and asked if he had picked it up
He said no but it was apparent he was lowing about something

Se an elk diaphragm call on a stump while deer hunting , way back in and a good hike up, that evening I went back to the stump and it was gone

Thanksgiving day bad winds gusting to 50-60 mph
Set up in the willows because I didn’t want my old dog going after drifting ducks in the whitecaps and rollers
A flock of birds came in
Picked out a drake and 3 birds dropped I swung way right dropped another drake then another
I let the dog go out and one bird kicked it’s feet
Holly went for that duck
She was mostly deaf at the time but I thought the duck was dead enough
next thing they are 25 yards out and the wind blowing the dog and duck out
I thought I was going to loose my dog
Glassing from the back of my truck I could see her head every once in a while
I stated firing shots her direction
3rd shot She turned and started swimming back

She was actually making headway in the waves it was a long swim back
100 yards out she grabbed one of the other dead ducks , a short distance she grabbed another
Returned to shore with two of the ducks. She dropped the ducks and sat at the truck door exhausted and cold and tail just a wagging
I had to lift her into the truck and cranked the heat
Packed up the decoys
I left my new bibs and jacket beside the water
The next day I went to pick them up they were gone
Posted on a water Fowler page put up notices at the hunt location and weekly newspaper
Never received a response on the bibs and jacket
I was just thankful my dog made it back to shore
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Re: Cripes! I lost my ............

Postby saddlesore » 10 29, 2019 •  [Post 7]

I lost my Leatherman and a good hunting knife this year in ML season.
I don't actually lose gloves,but I vow never to buy another pair of camo colored gloves again. In the dark of the morning if you drop them they are too hard to find
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Re: Cripes! I lost my ............

Postby Tigger » 10 29, 2019 •  [Post 8]

On the contrary, my dad found a pair of camo gloves when we were elk hunting in 2008. the other day, he was wearing them. Says they are the only gloves he never loses. :shock:
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Re: Cripes! I lost my ............

Postby 7mmfan » 10 29, 2019 •  [Post 9]

I briefly lost my cell phone in Idaho this year. Chasing a herd of elk across an open face, they cut across the bottom and up the other side. I sat down with the gun at the ready, but they turned out to be all cows. Got up and walked up the hill a couple hundred yards to meet my partner. Only then did I realize I'd dropped my phone. We walked back to the area I'd sat down, and walked circles and grids for half an hour. I finally got to what I was confident was exactly where I'd been sitting, and he pulls the damn phone out of his pocket. He'd found it 20 minutes ago, but wanted to string me along. Thank god for good friends and hunting partners. :oops:

I think my best one was several years ago. I was guiding fly fishing trips on a WA river for steelhead. One day I had left my net laying on the bank after a client landed a nice fish . I had to borrow one of my fellow guides nets a little further down river to land another one. As I came around the corner into the run he's fishing, he now has a fish on so I leap out of my boat and run down the bank with his net to assist. End the day, stop and walk into the hole where I'd left my net earlier in the day, and thank goodness, it's still there! Head to lodge, stiff drink, talk about my good fortune.

Fast forward 3 days. Yes, 3 days. Life of a fishing guide I tell you. I'm floating through the run where I had run my buddies net down to him 3 days earlier. This is a heavily fished hole not just by boat anglers, but by bank anglers as well. Probably gets a dozen or more bank guys a day along it's banks. As I'm drifting along I look towards the shore and I catch a little glint of something metallic at the waters edge. I keep my eye on it as I drift closer and I think that it looks like a wallet. I tell my guests to pull their stuff in real quick, I'm going to go grab this wallet so we can make sure it gets back to the right person. As I'm walking up on it, one of the guys asks, "Is it really a wallet?" I said, "Yeah, and it looks JUST LIKE my wallet! What are the chances? It can't be my wallet though, my wallet is right..... oh shi.....! It is my wallet!" I had dropped my wallet out of an unzipped wader pocket 3 days earlier. It had sat in 2" of water for 3 days with who knows how many people walking over it and floating by it. It had 2 weeks worth of tip money in it, and everything else a wallet normally has. I felt like I was in a parallel universe or something, I just couldn't wrap my head around it.

We had caught 4 nice steelhead before that point in the day, and didn't touch a fish the rest of day. I legitimately used up every ounce of luck that existed in that boat that day.
I hunt therefore I am. I fish therefore I lie.
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