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Western Hunter Magazine

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Western Hunter Magazine

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 06 27, 2018 •  [Post 1]

Man, I gotta say that I do love me some Western Hunter magazines! I'm not sure if I've ever received one that I didn't enjoy, pretty much cover to cover. And, that is saying a lot as I'm not a huge fan of many of the hunting mags out there nowadays. Got the new "GEAR" issue in the mail today. Looks like it has some great reviews in it. If you cats haven't subscribed to a hunting mag in a while, consider the Western Hunter. RJ

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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby Swede » 06 27, 2018 •  [Post 2]

I think these magazines really appeal to younger hunters. They can be great for folks starting out. The gear stuff will help you on those purchases you want for long term investments. The hunting stories can inspire you and may provide a trick you can use later.
Some magazines are mostly advertising, while some have some real insights. I have never read a Western Hunter, but I would look for two things. Do they rate gear that is advertised in the magazine. If they do, take their rating with a grain of salt. The other thing I would consider is the amount of the publication made up of advertising. If it is too much advertising, they should send it to you free.
Just my thought.
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 06 27, 2018 •  [Post 3]

Yes, a lot of the outdoor mags aren’t worth the paper they are printed on now a days. Don’t know how or why they’ve evolved that way. I believe this one has been different since it came out not that many years ago. The editor, marketing manager, editorial staff, and contributing writers just seem to get it and keep this mag on point. I’ll see if I can arrange to get a few issues sent to some of you cats that haven’t tried em out yet. I betcha you’ll find them worth your time ;).
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby Swede » 06 27, 2018 •  [Post 4]

I have a shelf at least five feet long stuffed with old bow hunting magazines. I finally quit the last subscription this summer. A good magazine is fun and informative to read. The writers will have stories that take you along in the field with them, and you will catch the excitement of the hunt. A commercial rag will chop the stories just to make more room for sold advertising. One of the trends I dislike is asking/requiring the author to give an account of the equipment they wore or used on their hunt.
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby Tigger » 06 28, 2018 •  [Post 5]

Swede, I actually like the account of the equipment.....if it is honest. I don't want to hear about how every piece of equipment is the best ever and the bull wouldn't have gotten shot without it. I would like to hear about how the boots were comfy, but below 20 degrees my feet got cold in them. Or the broadhead killed the bull, but I would have expected a complete passthrough and I didn't get it. Something along those lines.
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby Swede » 06 28, 2018 •  [Post 6]

What I have read is not more than a listing of items used on a successful hunt. The implication seems to be, that the items referenced were vital to the hunt as the list is thankfully not all inclusive.

Some writers will have you sweating in the hot sun as they stalk an elusive, and spooky buck. You will wince with them from the prick of the thorns, as they kneel down to creep forward just a few feet farther. Or maybe you accidently slid into the cold stream where water seeps in to soak your well worn boots, as you tracked the old bull through crusted snow. Each step seems to sound like firecrackers going off each time you set your foot down.
Still as far as magazines go, buy it if you like it. Probably your tastes have changed over time and will continue to evolve. Rarely does a senior adult like the same things they enjoyed as a kid.
Magazines have changed over the years, and so has my interest. I still enjoy a good story, but I don't care much for an abbreviated story with mostly bragging and pictures. If RJ sends me a copy of the Western Hunter, I will read it. Reminder: I am not asking for a magazine. If you don't want my real opinion, don't send me one, and definitely don't ask me about it. I am too liberal with my opinions. :D
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby pointysticks » 06 28, 2018 •  [Post 7]

i got so bored of that magazine.

the advertisements are the same. month after month. then the same hunt stories. conquering hardships, reward..blah blah.

it needs more. like the old outdoor lifes with the "this happened to me" or "last laugh". it needs some other type of writing. i do love the editor's essay.
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby lamrith » 06 28, 2018 •  [Post 8]

WapitiTalk1 wrote:Yes, a lot of the outdoor mags aren’t worth the paper they are printed on now a days. Don’t know how or why they’ve evolved that way. I believe this one has been different since it came out not that many years ago. The editor, marketing manager, editorial staff, and contributing writers just seem to get it and keep this mag on point. I’ll see if I can arrange to get a few issues sent to some of you cats that haven’t tried em out yet. I betcha you’ll find them worth your time ;).

This is not restricted to Hunting by any means. Pretty much any magazine targetted at a specific demographic or hobby is that way and they have been since the mid 90's, they are just getting worse each year. I recall a thread on a car forum back in early 2000s where someone actually took the time to document magazine content. Advertising was over 75% of the content leaving a mere 25% of printed space for actual articles. So yeah I have not subscribed to any magazine in decades. I want to pay for content, not advertising.

I have always enjoyed the western hunter shows on TV, Chris and Nate do a really good job of sharing the hunt and what it means to be a hunter. I have not been able to find them since I switched to DirectTV as I did not want to pay for the extra channel package.
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby Swede » 06 28, 2018 •  [Post 9]

pointysticks wrote:the advertisements are the same. month after month. then the same hunt stories. conquering hardships, reward..blah blah.

This Pointysticks comment reminds me of another peeve of mine. It seems too much emphasis is now on "extreme". It seems to be the same common dedicated and diligent hunting we are used to, but retitled "extreme" to sell the rag. How about more quality stories. They don't all need to end with a record book animal being taken.
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby Swede » 06 28, 2018 •  [Post 10]

I have been thinking about this thread all afternoon as I went about the work projects I found myself dealing with.

The following is a rough sketch on how I would rate a hunting magazine.

Number of well written and detailed articles 3-4 pages long including some pictures. 7+ hunting articles = A, 4-6 articles = B, less than 4 it should be free. Part of this is subjective as articles can run on to a point of nauseous detain and have worthless garbage that is just filler. I would give a break on number of hunting stories to a gear issue, but would not buy one over the counter. I would let Tigger have mine. :D
Percent of the magazine that is advertising not including the front cover. 1/3 or less = A, 1/3-1/2 = B, over 1/2 it should be free as it is not a "hunting" magazine. It is advertising with a phony front cover, so it can masquerade as a hunting publication.
Does the magazine include average Joe hunters that have something to contribute? Yes = :D
Does the magazine rate equipment and services they have advertisements for? Yes = :cry: You can be sure the editor's camp is full of freebies supplied by those advertisers. I have seen them and the person bragging about all they had to leave behind.

What do you think? Can you add something of value here in rating a magazine or am I too strict?
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby Elkhntr08 » 06 28, 2018 •  [Post 11]

Used to get Extreme Elk, then Cory sold. Then I got Elk Hunter. I liked both, then, poof, gone! Kicked around getting Western Hunter, but..... Wapititalk is free.
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby jmez » 06 30, 2018 •  [Post 12]

I'm with Pointysticks. Didn't like the magazine at all. I got both Elk Hunter and Western Hunter before they combined. I don't really enjoy the articles written by hunters which is what these magazines are. They are poorly written and all the same. Breathtaking scenery, wildly embellished hardships, pretty much wildly embellished everything and then the defining moment.

Darin Coopers technical archery articles were always good but that's about it.
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 06 30, 2018 •  [Post 13]

Tough crowd.
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby Swede » 06 30, 2018 •  [Post 14]

WapitiTalk1 wrote:Tough crowd.

True statement, but I find it interesting that we really don't agree completely on what makes a magazine good or not so good. Maybe some of us are saying the same things differently.

jmez wrote: I don't really enjoy the articles written by hunters which is what these magazines are. They are poorly written and all the same. Breathtaking scenery, wildly embellished hardships, pretty much wildly embellished everything and then the defining moment.

Now I like the Joe Hunter stories. I enjoy any well written hunting story. I have not seen too much of the downside jmez talks about, but I am satisfied it is there. There are some great pro writers, in fact too many to mention, so a good story is not difficult to find. It is the other stuff you wade through that bothers me.
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby ishy » 07 01, 2018 •  [Post 15]

Elkhntr08 wrote:Used to get Extreme Elk, then Cory sold. Then I got Elk Hunter. I liked both, then, poof, gone! Kicked around getting Western Hunter, but..... Wapititalk is free.

I liked the stuff better when it's an average hunter. Extreme elk seemed to have more average Joe types. Still feel taken advantage of when Elk Hunter took Extreme Elk over and then ditched it. I didn't resubscribe after that happened. Don't feel there's much to learn from a hyped up hunter that hasn't hunted OTC for years and gets all their high dollar equipment free. I'm also a sucker for good photography, but seems like Bugle is the only one that gets great stuff every issue.
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby Lefty » 07 01, 2018 •  [Post 16]

I use to subscribe to a number of big game magazines. I like to read, but I like to do other things too. So now its just Bugle, I let Eastmans slide this year, I have a stack of Trappper
Post, Bugle, DU, American Hunter and Eastman, When I get caught up I start fishing :?
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby Tigger » 07 02, 2018 •  [Post 17]

I wrote a story on my elk hunt for a magazine a couple years ago. It is harder than it seems it should be for a nonprofessional. I can now look past the "non-professional" writing pretty easily. I love the true stories and I really like it when I can imagine myself there. I read Bugle and Pheasants Forever and that is about it these days.
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby BrentLaBere » 07 03, 2018 •  [Post 18]

I think its pretty cool seeing similar faces and stories ive heard on hunting forums show up in magazines. I recognize POk3? if that was his handle...... Used to post on this site as well as another. Same with the mule buck in that magazine. Noticed him posting on bowsite. Nate Simmons has some pretty cool hunts if you're interested in watching their show.
I will agree with jmez point, however. Same old same old isnt appealing. Heck, id like to be the first one to post on there I loaded an elk up whole haha. Just might not sell!
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby Swede » 07 03, 2018 •  [Post 19]

BrentLaBere wrote:id like to be the first one to post on there I loaded an elk up whole haha. Just might not sell!

I take it that you don't think anyone would publish the story, about how we shot a 350 class bull from the bed of the pickup. What a bunch of jerks. No wonder so many are skeptical of Western Hunter and other hunting rags. :lol:
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Re: Western Hunter Magazine

Postby laelkhunter » 07 05, 2018 •  [Post 20]

My mail-man must be enjoying mine, cause I haven't received my July/August 2018 issue yet.
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