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Almost time

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Almost time

Postby wawhitey » 11 27, 2023 •  [Post 1]

Snow coming starting friday, so ill be heading east to idaho friday december 1st (last day of deer season in unit 1, when all the other wa plates will be headed west) to go call lions and hopefully get into some wolves. Gonna try real hard not to total my truck this time. Putting my studded snow tires on wednesday. Was really hoping my new 243 barrel was going to get here before now, but no luck. Believe ill be bringing the 308.
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Re: Almost time

Postby 7mmfan » 11 28, 2023 •  [Post 2]

Good luck. I'm sure the 308 will do you just fine. I've heard hot lead is great wolf medicine.
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Re: Almost time

Postby wawhitey » 11 28, 2023 •  [Post 3]

Sounds like ill have to leave for alaska mid december, so gonna give er hell for a week or so in idaho. Going to treat it like a cougar hunt, but hope i get into fresh wolf activity. And being as how ill start hunting the day after deer season, ill be keeping a lookout for scavenger bird activity. Im sure a lot of guys take dink bucks the last day or two. If i find a fresh gut pile, ill be on it hoping wolves appear.
Dont take this call out much anymore. Ive got a lion and some coyotes with it, but im worried about carrying such a fancy call out in the woods too much. Dont want to lose it or damage it somehow. But ill be bringing it to idaho, breaking it out for good luck.
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Re: Almost time

Postby wawhitey » 11 28, 2023 •  [Post 4]

Guess i better bring the matching lion whistle too.
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Re: Almost time

Postby Lefty » 11 28, 2023 •  [Post 5]

Cool looking call.

Take it with you,,, and make sure you don't misplace it..

Go get em.

Im stuck at home doing this huge list of things,,,, but maybe Ill go for a longer ride Friday and Saturday
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Re: Almost time

Postby 7mmfan » 11 29, 2023 •  [Post 6]

Looks like you'll have all the snow you need. Should be good for glassing and finding fresh sign anyway.
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Re: Almost time

Postby wawhitey » 11 29, 2023 •  [Post 7]

Swapped wheels out on my truck today, rockin the studded snows now. Split a big pile of kindling that ill be shortly packing into a big rubber duffel bag. Make starting a fire in the snow easy. Got both of my big heavy canvas -20 sleeping bags all warm and dry in front of the woodstove. House looks like my gear closet exploded, really trying not to forget anything. Really looking forward to this, but looking qt the forecast i wont be surprised if i get 2 or 3 days in before i have to get my truck out of the mountains. Going to err on the side of caution there. Last few years ive been real uncomfortable driving mountain roads in the winter.
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Re: Almost time

Postby Tigger » 11 30, 2023 •  [Post 8]

In a pinch, don't forget the air down trick. Make sure you have an air compressor to air them back up.
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Re: Almost time

Postby wawhitey » 02 02, 2024 •  [Post 9]

Well, with this weird winter i think i can head back over next week, give er another try
Seems mud is more of a concern than snow now. Thinking ill head over on the 6th. Hunt 7th-9th. Then f4wm banquet on the 10th in sandpoint. Then probably a few more days of hunting. Hauling my quad over this time. Buried my truck in the mud once or twice, not a big fan.
My idaho tags just arrived today. My 243 barrel finally showed and i got that all dialed in, but ill be taking my 223 out for this dog n cat show.
Id really like to get a wolf or two. Or three. May never happen, but i gotta try.
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Re: Almost time

Postby Tigger » 02 12, 2024 •  [Post 10]

Well? win at the banquet? win at the predator hunt game?
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Re: Almost time

Postby wawhitey » 02 12, 2024 •  [Post 11]

Nothin won at the banquet, but i was dog tired and left early. Gave my raffle tickets to a friendly fellow sitting next to me. Maybe he got a rifle or something from them. Havin a real hard time finding lion or wolf tracks. Clearly im not in washington. But im in no hurry to give up.
Exploring a bit, came up to an area ive never been to yet. No lion or wolf tracks found, but more deer tracks here than the other places ive been so im going to hunt this area for a couple days anyway. Just set camp, did my best to get a fire going, but all the wood is soaking wet so it didnt last long, pretty much just a smoke machine now. In the morning im just going to hike out from my truck and go explore on foot and do some cold calling. Tired of running roads looking for tracks. Gonna use the quads god gave me tomorrow.
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Re: Almost time

Postby wawhitey » 02 12, 2024 •  [Post 12]

Cold, windy, snowy up here, but im enjoying a 5 star dining experience in the luxury suite of the hotel le chevrolet, so lifes pretty good.
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