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November 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Moderators: Swede, Tigger, Lefty, Indian Summer, WapitiTalk1

November 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 11 06, 2023 •  [Post 1]

This month’s theme is “Freestyle”. Let's see some outdoor themed pics.

1. One photo submission allowed per month, per member (yep, stinky MODs may enter a photo also).
2. Photo must relate to the monthly theme (or risk being disqualified).
3. Do not use photo editing software to enhance your photo. Just post the photo as it was taken with your camera, smart phone, trail cam, etc. You may have to resize some photos so they are accepted by the forum software; remember, photos can only be 800X600 pixels "MAX" for our forum.
4. You may use older photos you have on hand, but, do not submit a photo that has won a previous WT photo contest.
5. Any WT member may enter a photo they have taken or appear in.
6. Judging – WT members will vote on monthly photo submissions.
7. Contest period will normally end the last day of the month.
8. Winner must contact WapitiTalk1 via PM and provide mailing address for prize (your prize may be sent directly from a WT sponsor or from RJ).
9. Prizes will vary from month to month.
10. All monthly winners will be automatically entered into the "photo of the year" contest.

The prize for the November 2023 contest is to be determined.
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Re: November 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby forkyshooter » 11 09, 2023 •  [Post 2]

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Re: November 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 11 09, 2023 •  [Post 3]

LOL, I like it.
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Re: November 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby Indian Summer » 11 10, 2023 •  [Post 4]

Just Dew it!
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Re: November 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby wawhitey » 11 10, 2023 •  [Post 5]

Freestyle huh? I didnt take this pic, but iappeared in it, as per the rules. The pic was taken by bart, the bio doing a hazing study. The cat in the tree behind me was part of that. These guys do a lot of lethal removals of problem cats, and the reason this study is happening, is because theyd rather find a better way to address the problem than killing dozens of cats each year and dumping them. None of us want this crap to continue as it is, but the system here is broken. Heres a link to a video about the study. https://youtu.be/_mgPMXK3w20?feature=shared

The local sheriffs dept had to get jeff on the cat removals because theyre so frequent that bart and bruce couldnt respond to them all. We definitely have a problem here.

The pic in my avatar is the same cat, while he was tranquilized. Have a video on my phone of him getting up and running off after bart delivered the antidote to the tranq drug, but no idea how to post it here. But either way, one of the coolest things ive ever done . Getting to handle a live cougar without getting shredded to pieces, then watch him come-to and run away. A very memorable experience. Guess it was just another day on the job to these guys, but to me it was something special.

Im fascinated with these critters. I hunt them, i kill them when i can, but i dont hate them. Far from it. I really do value having them around. Several times my neighbor has been upset with me for not killing them when i had the chance, as theyve walked through my yard out of season. But im not just going to kill them out of hand, out of season, for no reason. If theyre just doing their thing, being cougars, hunting deer... they have every right to do that. As long as theyre not causing problems, i wont be killing them outside of season. Had one old female that hung around here a lot for a number of years, raised several litters of cubs here. She never caused a problem. Grew pretty fond of her. Was a bit bummed out when she stopped coming around. Dont know what the end of her story was. Had her final litter here at 8 or 9 y of age. Know this because she got collared late in her career and i was communicating with the bio in charge of that operation. After she vanished i emailed him asking what happened to her but never heard back. Sure would like to know what her fate was. Killed by a hunter? Ran over by a truck? Other? She was a well behaved neighbor. Maybe i should email the bio again.
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Re: November 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby Lefty » 11 10, 2023 •  [Post 6]

Whats black and white,,
My backyard trophy picture, I was trying to chum coyotes ( and snare them)

Monet, Magpies and baldy
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Re: November 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby wawhitey » 11 10, 2023 •  [Post 7]

Whatsblack and white? Is that a trick question?

Magpies,bald eagles, and whatever kind of horse that is.

Also skunks, my dog, some bears, kingsnakes, chickadees, somewoodpeckers, bald faced hornets, im sure lots of other critters im leaving out.
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Re: November 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby Lefty » 11 10, 2023 •  [Post 8]

wawhitey wrote:Whatsblack and white? Is that a trick question?
whatever kind of horse that is.

My daughters horse was Monet[/i], she was a paint quarter horse. My daughter won best of all the Western and English composition at the state fair,
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Re: November 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby Lefty » 11 10, 2023 •  [Post 9]

Baldface honets are the scariest insect/critter in existence
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Re: November 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby wawhitey » 11 10, 2023 •  [Post 10]

Lefty wrote:Baldface honets are the scariest insect/critter in existence

They have that reputation, but i think its undeserved. Ive sat in treestands early septe.ber and just let them crawl around on me. Ignored them. No problem. Ive also had them crawl all over me while calling bears, and while sitting on my back porch. Always just ignored them, and never had a problem, never got stung.
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Re: November 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby Indian Summer » 11 18, 2023 •  [Post 11]

I took this on a trip with the wife and a friend. Probably around 1999. It’s Hidden Lake in Glacier National Park. Hiked the trail back from the visitor center at Logan’s Pass. Lots of mountain goats around. What a place!
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Re: November 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby Thegreatwapiti » 11 26, 2023 •  [Post 12]

My 14 year old boy after three straight 12-hour days in the elk woods!
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Re: November 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby 7mmfan » 11 27, 2023 •  [Post 13]

I didn't realize until later when I walked by the tree he was next to that it was a bear scratching tree. lots of hair stuck on it. Definitely a place I've paid more attention to since.
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