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I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

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I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby lilshootergirl » 11 05, 2022 •  [Post 1]

I got a bull opening morning, 9:52 am! I'm working on resizing, it's on Washington hunt forum.
Story later!
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby Lefty » 11 05, 2022 •  [Post 2]

Waiting on a story and pics 8-)
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby Swede » 11 06, 2022 •  [Post 3]

Congratulations shootergirl. I will look forward to seeing you and your trophy and reading your story. We can surely use another good hunting story here.
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby Thegreatwapiti » 11 07, 2022 •  [Post 4]

Congratulations! Can't wait to see it.
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby 7mmfan » 11 07, 2022 •  [Post 5]

Congratulations. I saw it on the Hunting-washington.com forum. Very well done. Looking forward to the story on here too :)
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby Swede » 11 07, 2022 •  [Post 6]

I just snuck a peek at your bull on the Washington forum. Definitely a great critter to take home. Again congrats.
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby lilshootergirl » 11 16, 2022 •  [Post 7]

Thank you Swede! Still trying to resize. The steaks I ate last night was amazing, nothing like elk or deer!
Very tender, glad I drew late season hunt! I had the scraps made in summer sausage, lanjagers and burger! He just butchered a healthy steer with white fat, so he added it to my ground moose!
Moose burritos tonight!
Ill try to draw elk in Washington due to some upcoming events this year, but will keep buying points in Wyoming, so I can get big Hank! I'm looking to sell my vintage motorhome for a newer 24ft travel trail.then ill be safe while in Wyoming.
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby lilshootergirl » 01 10, 2023 •  [Post 8]

Oct. 29th my daughter & brother set up camp, next day my cousin shows up with his razor(sparkle)
we scouted northwest of my area but no signs of any moose, my heart was heavy, next morning we headed south east, now this looked promising, we found where the buck brush tops were mowed,found poop, now I have a plan. Nove.1st we showed up, as we walked in on a dirt road my brothers phone started to ring, I thought are you kidding, I look up 200 yards, there he is, watching me! So we ranged & my brothers says I see no antlers, as his hands were shaking uncontrollable, I said yes he does, he turns left so I called to him, he stops, so I shoot! Direct hit. It was so thick I had to shoot where I had clearance 6 to 7th rib, he turns his head back as if something bit him.
He continues to walk while I'm trying to get a open shot, so I called again, he stops, I miss, I shoot again. I miss! So I try to find a open spot to shoot, he gets there so I call, he stops! Bang! Direct hit behind shoulder. Soon I hear crashing!
He appears pass a bushy draw, he finally beds, now I have a great shot! Bang!
My brother wanted to go up to him, I convenience him we need to wait, but he wanted to sneak up closer.
When we walked up to him I can't believe 15 minutes in this hunt I got a moose! It took 7 hours to process. I did the capping, as no one with me learned how
18 years I've been hunting elk, with no meat for the freezer!
I was and am still in shock, hunt was short, and is over. This was a special hunt, I've got my daughter, brother, cousin. I didn't want it to end! Love cognac around the fire, stories, laughter.
NOVE. 3rd we woke up to snow, meat was clean, chilled, cape & head are in great shape, my brother towed my travel trailer so I could get cape and meat home! That evening camp got a bunch of snow, glad we did finished. I'm so happy & greatful for all the tips, people offering help. If you get drawn for mo
Moose meat is the best! So tender! Glad I put in for late hunt.
Ill post a photo of my moose mount when its done!
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby lilshootergirl » 01 10, 2023 •  [Post 9]

20221101_095946.jpg (380.63 KiB) Viewed 2712 times

2022 once in a lifetime shiras moose hunt
FB_IMG_1667508338855.jpg (139.7 KiB) Viewed 2712 times
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby Lefty » 01 16, 2023 •  [Post 10]

Great moose story: You wil have it the rest of your life,,,

My middle daughters hunt was short too. We spent 12 Saturdays scouting. And didn't find a bull.
He first day and she had her bull before 8:00AM
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby lilshootergirl » 01 21, 2023 •  [Post 11]

Moose are easy if you get the right area, the tips I got were so awesome. I have 19 pts in bull & quality bull,I really want a big bull elk before I get too old:-). I keep going over in my mind why I having harvested a bull? I'll keep hunting until I do, I love being out in the woods, each day is different.
I'll try Wyoming in 2024 if all goes well for me. Having my brother who went thorough cancer for 2 years made the whole hunt worth it. Hopefully he'll join me in wyoming.
Love that state!
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby lilshootergirl » 01 23, 2023 •  [Post 12]

Soon as my mount is done ill post the photo on here! Can't hardly wait, I didn't get a good measurement
Of how wide he was, or how many points, I remembered 1 point was broke! Still very delicious.
My brother in my photo is hunting Moose in Canada in September, ill go with him and his guide, ill get to fish, but no hunting, it's his tag this time.
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby Lefty » 02 08, 2023 •  [Post 13]

Thre is a lot of meat on a moose. What are some of your favorite ways to prepare it!
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby Thegreatwapiti » 05 30, 2023 •  [Post 14]

My cpw account just updated my moose draw to "not awarded."
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby Lefty » 05 30, 2023 •  [Post 15]

Thegreatwapiti wrote:My cpw account just updated my moose draw to "not awarded."

What was the percentage of draw in the hunt unit?
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Re: I drew a moose tag in Washington unit #117

Postby Thegreatwapiti » 05 31, 2023 •  [Post 16]

In my unit, there were 152 applicants last year for 16 tags. 13 went to residents and 3 to non residents. The stats say after about 10 years you should clear the list but there was 1 guy with 21 preference points!
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