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First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest 2020

Moderators: Swede, Tigger, Lefty, Indian Summer, WapitiTalk1

First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest 2020

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 08 26, 2020 •  [Post 1]

Rules for the “Elk Photo of the Year” contest are as follows:

1. Any member photo containing an elk taken in fair chase during the 2020 season is eligible for entry. If you wish, you may provide a brief narrative to accompany the photo.
2. Super cool prizes will be awarded to the top three vote getters (WapitiTalk members will vote on the submitted images). I’ll get the voting rolling in early January.
3. Prizes will be provided by our great forum sponsors. As of today, 1st Place will receive a $250 discount on a pair of Crispi boots of the winners choice; 2nd Place receives a Swagger Bipod (pretty sure this will be a brand new model, as of January 2021), and 3rd place will receive an Alaska Guide Creations bino pack.
4. All WapitiTalk members in good standing are eligible to submit a photo (yes, even the stinky MODs).
5. Submission period - Open NOW and ends the last day of December 2020.

Good luck to all, and as always, thank you for being a member on WapitiTalk!

Note: This is different, and separate, from our regular monthly photo contest and subsequent photo of the year contest, where all monthly winners are automatically entered into the photo of the year contest (located in the Virtual Campfire forum).

Good luck to all. Let's see em!
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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby Tigger » 10 06, 2020 •  [Post 2]

This bull came in to cow calls and destroyed an alder bush 12 yards in front of me for over 5 minutes. It seemed like forever until he gave me a shot at 34 yards. Do-it-yourself, archery, public land, WY general tag.

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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby Indian Summer » 10 08, 2020 •  [Post 3]

Nice bull man! And a very nice picture. Congratulations!!! ;)
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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby 7mmfan » 10 09, 2020 •  [Post 4]

Wow, great first addition to the contest. Good job Tigger
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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby DirtyErn » 10 10, 2020 •  [Post 5]

So this was a Western Washington solo hunt, another 1/2 mile would have had to drag him back from the east side. At 6 am I started my hunt, plan was too hunt though some tall timber next to old clear cut. Through out bugle and immediate return, 60 yds from camp, 1/2 hour before shooting light, what to do, got in front of tree and waited he carried on and started raking tree this went on for the longest 30 minutes, he would go back and forth bugle chuckles and rake. However the wind changed and he went off. Very heart pounding and great encounter. the weather changed and the rains came. Replayed morning encounter and stayed positive something good would happen if I stayed in the woods
So hunted all day trying to stay dry. At 5 pm I was going to a area to set up, movement , Bull agh a spike 28 yds, he kept looking back, he moved and the 7x 6 stood where he was at 28 yds , pulled back a let it fly , shot looked good, he walked off, found him 50 yards away.Now the hard work of packing him out solo, however it was a downhill pack this time :D
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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby 7mmfan » 10 21, 2020 •  [Post 6]

Well, he will probably be the smallest bull entered in the contest, but at least you don't have to look at my ugly mug. This was a hard earned spike that got the nod because he had the misfortune of bedding down in the warm sun instead of the shady nook the other bulls were hiding in. This is as he laid when I walked up to him. One shot to the neck and his head just dropped, the rest of him never moved. I'm thankful he had an instant death, never even heard the boom.
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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby wl704 » 10 22, 2020 •  [Post 7]

I found elk all over the unit the week prior, and bumped a group out of this area the day prior. Myself and a friend posted up early in the morning on the pine/aspen edge. This cow wandered into 35 yds giving me a shot opportunity too good to pass. She fell a mere 270 yds from the road.

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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby Trumkin the Dwarf » 11 05, 2020 •  [Post 8]

Hey! I get to play, and in the inaugural edition too. There's too much back story on this bull to tell it all here, from liver disease to colon removal, and with the general societal misfortunes to boot. But this one was extra special.

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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby ElkNut1 » 11 12, 2020 •  [Post 9]

Sept 2nd, generally a slow time, pre-rut times for sure most years. My Son & I ventured out together in an area we've rarely hunted & had not ever taken an elk in but we thought what the heck; let's give this area a shot for grins!

We headed in well before daylight since it was a Full Moon phase & we felt the elk would bed earlier than a non-full moon, we were 1-1/2 mile in 30 minutes after light, we tested the waters with a locate bugle, nothing, tried again a few minutes later from the same spot. I thought I heard a faint high note way off, my Son shrugged it off to the ringing in my ears as he said he didn't hear anything! (grin) Most the time he's right!

We waited a couple more minutes & called again 'just in case' -- I'll be darned if we both didn't hear a faint bugle a 1/2 mile away; my credibility was restored! (grin) There was no doubt from the 1st bugle to this last one this bull was heading up the mountain, he was heading to bed! We hustled down the mountain into the steep draw & back up the other side to where the bull was. As we hustled that way through the downfall & huckleberry bushes; (yep, we had to stop & gorge ourselves before moving on) we heard the bull bugle twice on his own giving us the much needed direction as he continued up!

We moved close to 1/4 mile further trying to guesstimate the area he was heading too, we stopped & cow called twice (regathering mews) no response, we bugled & Bingo, he bugled instantly from under 200 yards, we knew now he was defensive & we had a good chance at him. No more cow calls, he could care less! We moved another 50-75 yards closer to a good tight setup spot where the bull would have to come to my range before seeing the source of the calling! The plan was to Advertise emotion wise to see his reaction, if he bugled back my Son would cut him off & start raking the tree he was standing next to. I was 35-40 yards from my Son we he let loose his bugle; the bull cut him off; I thought oh man this is a dead bull! ;) He does not appreciate this new intruder bull in his domain!

My Son raked & screamed a challenge for him to back off, I now could see the bull heading straight to my Son from 80 yards out & coming as he weaved his way down the hill through the timber & downfall; The bull & Paul II traded obscenities, I moved to my right 10 yards while still in good cover & had good wind, I needed that bit better position to where I felt he'd come out for the shot. I see him cover the 80 yards to 70,60,50,40,30, I'd drawn at 40 while he was still in cover so I was ready but he stopped at 30 & in cover & screamed a challenge, no shot, he needed to come a few more yards, my Son bugled aggressively there as he could see me at full draw & waiting, the bull moved forward the needed 5 yards, I was fixing to stop him with a nervous grunt when he slowed on his own to step over a downfall log at 25 yards; I punched the release when on him, yes I'm a puncher, no other way for me! The arrow whistled neatly through his lungs, he never flinched & didn't realize his seconds were numbered! He walked off slowly & silently & fell over just out of my sight!

He was a great OTC DIY bull, many thanks to my Son for a great job of timing type calling with just the right emotion for the situation we were confronted with!

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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby Swede » 11 12, 2020 •  [Post 10]

Great story and bull Paul. I stop for huckleberries too.
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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby ElkNut1 » 11 14, 2020 •  [Post 11]

Ha Ha, I hear you sir! I love them buggers in hot cakes best but didn't spend the needed time for that! (grin) Have you had them in your hotcakes?

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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby Swede » 11 14, 2020 •  [Post 12]

Elknut, I had to take a double take on your post above. I had huckleberries with my hot cakes just this evening. The berries went on top with syrup. They don't get cooked inside. We have them cooked inside of muffins. :D
I think that next year I am going to take some containers to put Elderberry juice in. I am hunting just across the River from New Meadows. There are tons of Elderberries there. I don't know how good the juice will be, but am interested in finding out. I assume it will require quite a bit of sugar.
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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 11 25, 2020 •  [Post 13]

Reminder to get your photos in folks. Cutoff for submission is the last day of December. Great prizes, fame and fortune await the lucky winners of our first ever ELK photo of the year contest. :D
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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby Trumkin the Dwarf » 12 02, 2020 •  [Post 14]

WapitiTalk1 wrote:Reminder to get your photos in folks. Cutoff for submission is the last day of December. Great prizes, fame and fortune await the lucky winners of our first ever ELK photo of the year contest. :D

Shh! Keep the competition down! I've got a fighting chance at this! :lol:
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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby slim9300 » 12 16, 2020 •  [Post 15]

I took my biggest Rocky Mountain and true Roosevelt bulls in 2020, so it will be a tough year to beat! I snuck into 15 yards on my Montana bull along with his harem of 20 cows. He was tending the herd and screaming his head off as he chased them around in an attempt to breed. It’s a moment I will never forget as I took my 29th elk, and 28th with a bow.

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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby Wyo67 » 12 21, 2020 •  [Post 16]

Daily double on cows in Wyoming. Couldn't connect on a bull this year, but the eatin' is still good!

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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby Indian Summer » 12 22, 2020 •  [Post 17]

Looking at this picture made me put some filets out to thaw! A very tender batch of meat this year.
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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby Lefty » 12 22, 2020 •  [Post 18]

Most years I dont cry about archery tag soup,.. but this year muzzleloader season,.. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 12 28, 2020 •  [Post 19]

Some great submissions! A few days left (open till 31 DEC) if anybody wants to get in.
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Re: First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest

Postby jcs280 » 12 30, 2020 •  [Post 20]

Longtime lurker here and good buddy of Indian summers sneaking a entry in at the last minute. Wyoming general tag bull.
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First Annual WapitiTalk “Elk Photo of the Year” Contest 2020

Postby slim9300 » 12 30, 2020 •  [Post 21]

jcs280 wrote:Longtime lurker here and good buddy of Indian summers sneaking a entry in at the last minute. Wyoming general tag bull.
This is a great picture! Congratulations on the bull.

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