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2019 Elk Camp Meals

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2019 Elk Camp Meals

Postby GoGriz1234 » 11 10, 2019 •  [Post 1]

Gearing up for a late season hunt and I thought I would see if anyone tried anything new food wise this year that was a hit? I am planning on the usual fare, but am always open for new ideas!
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Re: 2019 Elk Camp Meals

Postby Lefty » 11 10, 2019 •  [Post 2]

I don eat as good as I use too. I loved my egg sandwiches in a variety of good bagels :(

I make a few egg salad type sandwiches when I leave for camp,.. thats what I eat the first day :shock: sometimes home made stew that I just warm up
At camp few times bacon ham eggs and fried potatoes but Im generally too tired to cook.
. I like some fresh fruit,.. pears plums and apples from my trees, pears
I Just pulled this crap out of the camper Really the only thing missing as examples is a variety of tuna or chicken snack and a big selection of higher protein and nut type bars from Costco And a few bags of Idahoan potatoes
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