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Easterly Migration

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Easterly Migration

Postby Lefty » 02 25, 2024 •  [Post 1]

Headed to South Dakota in the morning.Hunting buddy killed 5 snows this morning. With an expected high temperature of 70 today where were headed .
All three plus weeks early

Daisy is anxious to get on the road
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Re: Easterly Migration

Postby Lefty » 02 28, 2024 •  [Post 2]

As I was rocking down the road through Wyoming and into Nebraska I put on over 800 miles Saturday.
Sadly Wyoming was void of antelope.

Hunting buddy Tim set 1500 snow goose decoys.
Monday tim kept sending texts ,
Just killed two"
Just killed three"
Hurry up and get Daisy here, the coyotes just beat me to a goose"
Bring the sunscreen, In a T shirt. "
Have to go back to camp for more shells"

And his texts carried on. He had a big day for a winter Conservation hunt ; 33 geese

Al the time I m driving in high wind

Lastnightatcanp4 degrees, -25 windchill :x
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