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Best Way to Deliver Meat to a Processor

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Best Way to Deliver Meat to a Processor

Postby GoGriz1234 » 09 15, 2018 •  [Post 1]

I have talked to a few processors in anticipation of being in the elk woods in a few weeks, and they all seem to prefer the elk to come in as whole as possible and with the skin on. Some even say they will turn away “basket meat”, or what I am taking as skinless quarters and misc. pieces, if they are very busy (while they will still take whole animals with the skin on. I am guessing this has to do with hanging and aging time and hassle factor, but what are your guys thoughts on this? Am I just not talking to the right processor yet? I have to imaging they would see a lot of quartered skinless meat come in.

This question is being asked with the preface that eventually I plan on processing my own, and I would likely bring out an animal in in the largest pieces possible if I could, but from what I can tell most elk tend to die in some remote locations.
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Re: Best Way to Deliver Meat to a Processor

Postby jmez » 11 19, 2018 •  [Post 2]

Easier and faster for them to cut it correctly when whole rather than having to sort through "basket meat." They can also keep it a lot cleaner when skinning themselves in a controlled environment.
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Re: Best Way to Deliver Meat to a Processor

Postby Swede » 12 06, 2018 •  [Post 3]

I would stop by the local butcher shop on my way out to the hunt or call them and ask. I have found that most accept "basket" meat with no questions. Some have an extra charge if they handle dirty meat. Most butchers charge by the pound and have an extra fee for skinning. Charges run from <$0.60 per lb. up to $1.00 where I have gone.
I am more concerned about getting the meat to the butcher in the best condition possible than anything else, including if they charge by the pound including bone.
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Re: Best Way to Deliver Meat to a Processor

Postby Tigger » 12 07, 2018 •  [Post 4]

I would be pretty skeptical of any butcher who wants the skin on. Depending on the weather, that is a recipe for spoiled meat. We always want to get that meat cooled and leaving the hide on does not allow for that. To me, they are asking you to risk all of your meat so it is a little easier for them. Our processors around here will take it any way you have it.
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Re: Best Way to Deliver Meat to a Processor

Postby GoGriz1234 » 12 16, 2018 •  [Post 5]

Thanks for all the replies! I ended up taking the quarters with the skin on to the processor and was able to get everything cool enough that the meat was fine. Came home with 170 lbs of mainly roasts and large muscle groups. I’m excited to post some of my cooks as I work through the freezer. I have a roast thawing right now that will be cooked confi, and then put into green enchiladas for Christmas Eve dinner.
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Re: Best Way to Deliver Meat to a Processor

Postby saddlesore » 09 09, 2019 •  [Post 6]

I want the skin off as soon as possible to get it cooled properly. Then keep the meat clean. I do all my own, but I have yet to meet a processor that will clean the meat as well as I do.When the meat process goes into the freezer,it is as clean as what you by in the super market.
The processor wasn't doing you any favors if all you got was roast and large muscle groups,it should have been a lot of steaks,chops, T bones, ground meat with a few roast. All he did was debone it.
Leaving the hide on might be OK for quarters in cold seasons(but not for me) but these early seasons you take too much of a risk of spoiled meat. I'm with Tigger here.
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Re: Best Way to Deliver Meat to a Processor

Postby Lefty » 01 04, 2021 •  [Post 7]

Our meat guy wants game in the shop without a hide,..
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