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Elk "foreleg"

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Elk "foreleg"

Postby Jhg » 05 15, 2023 •  [Post 1]

I have mentioned this before as part of other threads but here it is as its own topic.

I have been slow cooking (24hrs) elk leg and neck meat. The results have been superb. We all know how sinewy and tough the foreleg and neck meat can be off an elk, especially a bull. Here is a picture of the meat after 24 hrs, pulled and ready for bbq.

How do you deal with the tough cuts? Grind, render, feed the dogs?

Ready for the table...
AE7CEA1F-95D2-409B-89B0-96F7ABBC5FE0.jpeg (122.75 KiB) Viewed 699 times
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Re: Elk "foreleg"

Postby 7mmfan » 05 16, 2023 •  [Post 2]

I deal with them exactly the same way. We tend towards Mexican flavors, so I do a lot of carnitas and pulled taco meat, but neck and shoulder are fantastic. I save all my cuts in fairly large portions, so if I do run low on grind, I can always use them that way as well.
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Re: Elk "foreleg"

Postby Elkhunttoo » 06 19, 2023 •  [Post 3]

Foreleg is amazing when slow cooked…been doing it for several years now. Saves all of the time trying to cut it up and taste great
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