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steelhead junkies

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steelhead junkies

Postby Roosiebull » 02 18, 2018 •  [Post 1]

any steelhead junkies here? this is my very favorite season to fish, with march and april being the standout months for me. I love the solitude and hanging out in amazing places chasing these dumb, aggressive, but also mysterious fish. they hang out in water that is just fun to fish, and there is always the mystery of the next one may be that unicorn 20 pound beast. if you are bored, here are some of my past adventures 8-)

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Re: steelhead junkies

Postby Lefty » 02 19, 2018 •  [Post 2]

When we lived in Washington89-95 I tried and tried to catch steelhead and salmon,. I never landed a king or steelhead on inland waters
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Re: steelhead junkies

Postby elkstalker » 02 22, 2018 •  [Post 3]

That looks like a blast! How big are the average steelhead you catch on these small rivers?
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Re: steelhead junkies

Postby Roosiebull » 02 22, 2018 •  [Post 4]

True average size I would say 8ish lbs, fish weight is ALWAYS something that has been grossly overestimated :D

Fish over 35" (or 14+lbs) are down right rare, but they are the ones that create the mystery and drive, a true 20lb fish seems to be close to one in a thousand, but at the same time, they do exist.

I love chasing steelhead this time of year, it is my getaway, reminds me of hunting in terms of solitude and stunning surroundings
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Re: steelhead junkies

Postby wawhitey » 02 23, 2018 •  [Post 5]

I grew up pulling plugs for steelhead on the cowlitz in the 90s. We would usually get our limits. Mostly 10-12 lb fish. Occasionally a 14-16, never did see a 20lber. Good eating fish, and fight like hell. I miss it.
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