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Salmon Fishing?

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Salmon Fishing?

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 11 14, 2015 •  [Post 1]

Any of you cats get a chance to do some coastal salmon fishing this year?
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Re: Salmon Fishing?

Postby Indian Summer » 11 16, 2015 •  [Post 2]

Does the shore of Lake Erie count as coastal?

Not yet but soon we'll go fish for steelhead up there.
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Re: Salmon Fishing?

Postby Kellum » 11 17, 2015 •  [Post 3]

Now that is something i have always wonted to do! Would anybody have some recommendations on a guide? I live in Mississippi so im thinking going with a guide would be for the best.
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Re: Salmon Fishing?

Postby Indian Summer » 11 18, 2015 •  [Post 4]

You do not need a guide. Just find a good stream and fish it like you would any other trout stream. Look at the tributaries of the Columbia River. Over near the town or Rosburg. The Deep River and the Grays River and the streams running into them are great fishing. When the fish are in it's a no brainer.
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Re: Salmon Fishing?

Postby Kellum » 11 19, 2015 •  [Post 5]

Indian Summer wrote:You do not need a guide. Just find a good stream and fish it like you would any other trout stream. Look at the tributaries of the Columbia River. Over near the town or Rosburg. The Deep River and the Grays River and the streams running into them are great fishing. When the fish are in it's a no brainer.

Thanks i will look into it.
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Re: Salmon Fishing?

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 11 20, 2015 •  [Post 6]

Kellum wrote:Now that is something i have always wonted to do! Would anybody have some recommendations on a guide? I live in Mississippi so im thinking going with a guide would be for the best.

Indian Summer is right, but, if you're traveling out this far with a bud to catch some fish, you may wish to schedule with one of the Westport, WA outfits. If you time your trip right, you can head out into the blue water and knock down your limit of silver dollar salmon and some big old bottom fish. River fishing, even with a guide, can be hit and miss. Heading out on the salmon charter boats are almost guaranteed action. RJ
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Re: Salmon Fishing?

Postby Lefty » 11 27, 2015 •  [Post 7]

If you dont mind not eating what you catch go sturgeon fishing.
If you charter on the Columbia River many smaller boats will drop crab pots ( and many of the other Pacific tributaries charters too)
And bottom fishing in some areas is ridiculously fun fishing. check out the clamming .
I dont know if you can safely oyster much of the area,.. boy do I have a story about oyster poisoning ,... wheres the puking smilie :o :shock: :?
Imoved from Vancouver area over 20 years ago but fishing on a charter was inexpensive at that time
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Re: Salmon Fishing?

Postby DirtyErn » 12 16, 2015 •  [Post 8]

No coastal fishing this year.Did a little river fishing with Ok success.
As far as pointers on when to fish for out of state"rs". You can look at Steelhead University or Salmon university to get an idea on whats going on and when.
Columbia Springers start in March( best time is April if WDFW extends the season), then you can follow them up river or the coast from there.
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Re: Salmon Fishing?

Postby ishy » 02 02, 2016 •  [Post 9]

Kellum, if you do want to go guided this is one of my buddies. He does more inland stuff than ocean, but knows his stuff. Catches lots of salmon and steelhead. I think he fishes 150 days a year, well that was before he started guiding. It's probably higher now.
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Re: Salmon Fishing?

Postby OregonTK » 01 28, 2017 •  [Post 10]

My brother and I do pretty good on the lower Willamette River for spring chinook. My biggest last year was this 22# chromer.

If you rattle, they will come!
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Re: Salmon Fishing?

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 02 04, 2017 •  [Post 11]

Dandy springer!
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Re: Salmon Fishing?

Postby Roosiebull » 03 03, 2017 •  [Post 12]

it was another good fall on the river...here is a big one from November, I released him to hopefully make more big ones ;)
big one.jpg
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Re: Salmon Fishing?

Postby Roosiebull » 03 03, 2017 •  [Post 13]

OregonTK wrote:My brother and I do pretty good on the lower Willamette River for spring chinook. My biggest last year was this 22# chromer.


Ron, that is a pig of a willy springer...it's been a few years since I have broke 20 on a springer even on the coast...dandy!
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Re: Salmon Fishing?

Postby Roosiebull » 03 03, 2017 •  [Post 14]

here is a little video I made, it was really good the day prior, so I decided to pack the camera this day.

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