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Postby Indian Summer » 11 09, 2015 •  [Post 1]

Yep... we now have a fishing forum. A good addition to our lineup I think. I met a guy this fall who is from Idaho. The yard behind his house backs up to one of 3 of the top sturgeon fishing holes in the area. They get up to 6 or 8 fish a day.... 8 feet long! Wow! I gotta try it.

I guess I'm sort of an extremist. If I'm going to hunt for deer I figure I might as well go after the biggest ones I can. So 2200 miles makes no difference to me, I'm chasing elk.

So if I'm going to get up early and spend the day getting cooked by the sun I might as well chase the biggest toothy critters I can. I actually miss my days of trout fishing and fighting smallmouths. That and landing big steelheads on the Lake Erie tributaries. But it's hard to fish for anything else once you figure out how to catch muskies. I don't fish as much as I used to but when I go I can catch more of these every day than I can trout or bass. So what the heck right!

Csrbowhunter on here has been at it awhile. I'm looking forward to showing him the ropes some more. I have a couple buddies who guide Mille Lacs and Leech in Minnesota and Cave Run in Kentucky. They catch tons of fish every year. I have a friend who guides on Lake Chautauqua in New York. This year he boated 267 fish. That's pretty darn good anywhere. Hopefully Csr and myself will have some good fish stories when we go back.
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Re: Fishin'

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 11 09, 2015 •  [Post 2]

Good gawd mister, that's a helluva first thread in the Fishing Forum. That thing looks like an alligator without legs :D How do you troll for those big things? I assume down rigging deep.
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Re: Fishin'

Postby Indian Summer » 11 09, 2015 •  [Post 3]

Nope. Max depth we fish is around 18 feet of water and usually 14 to 16. The lures are only running 5 to 10 feet down.
As you can see their eyes are basically on top so they feed up above from below. Run lures too deep and they can miss it. Some times they are hitting boat roads which only have 8 or 10 feet of line out right in the prop wash.
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Re: Fishin'

Postby GobbleFarmer » 11 09, 2015 •  [Post 4]

I know where the state record white catfish lives here in NC! I have actually caught it and its siblings many times, and they are huge! I didnt know that its a record untill I stopped fishing for deer season... The record is 13 lbs and it was caught in 1990! I think the ones I have been catching are 14-16 lbs, and they just keep getting bigger every year, I cant wait till next year! I'll have a fish scale and figure out how to report my accomplishment!

I caught an american red while bottom fishing on a rough sea a few years ago, ill post a pic tomorrow.
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Re: Fishin'

Postby Ridge Ghost » 11 10, 2015 •  [Post 5]

Wow, I need to chase muskies someday. Would love to hold up a fish that size.

I'm still in the middle of my trout on a fly rod addiction. While I don't catch fish anywhere near muskie size, I love figuring out how to read a trout stream. Here's my biggest trophy to date- a spot-and-stalk 27" New Zealand brown.
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Re: Fishin'

Postby Indian Summer » 11 10, 2015 •  [Post 6]

Ryan, do you know Lee Nelson?
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Re: Fishin'

Postby Ridge Ghost » 11 12, 2015 •  [Post 7]

Indian Summer wrote:Ryan, do you know Lee Nelson?

Joe, I don't know him.
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