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Boys and fishing

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Boys and fishing

Postby Tigger » 07 06, 2019 •  [Post 1]

Dunno why, but watching my two 11 year old boys take out our little 14 foot boat with a 7.5 Johnson really makes me happy!
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Re: Boys and fishing

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 07 08, 2019 •  [Post 2]

Absolutely! Awesome times for the young Tigger clan.
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Re: Boys and fishing

Postby Tigger » 07 08, 2019 •  [Post 3]

alright....I just had to fill up the gas tank for the 2nd time in 3 days! Might put me in the poor house, but it is well worth it.

oh, and they left it in gear yesterday. I was teaching my daughter how to start and run it. She pulls the rope and it takes of and SNAP goes my G Loomis rod. Boys...….!!!!! :evil:
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Re: Boys and fishing

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 07 08, 2019 •  [Post 4]

Wow, they're starting off at the very top tier of ruining pop's fishing gear (G Loomis, yikes)! They will develop the shrewd art of "borrowing" your fishing gear (lures, etc.) as their passion for fishing increases, and will take it to such an epic level that they will find your tackle boxes locked at some point. I know us three boys were brutal on my dad's fishing gear. "Have any of you boys seen any of my 10+ Thomas Cyclone trout spoons; it seems they have all gone missing"? :roll:
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Re: Boys and fishing

Postby Tigger » 07 08, 2019 •  [Post 5]

Well they don't get to use the Loomis's. The daughter is going on a houseboat fishing church group trip and I was gonna let her use one. Reminds me, I gotta call Loomis.....
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Re: Boys and fishing

Postby 7mmfan » 07 17, 2019 •  [Post 6]

I'm sure it makes them very happy to! Some of my favorite memories, and moments that helped me gain tons of confidence in myself growing up were all associated with Dad giving me a boat and gear for a day by myself on the water. I was 13 or 14 when Dad started launching the driftboat in the local river for me in the morning, and picking me up at the takeout that afternoon after work. He knew I could handle the boat fine, and knew I wasn't dumb enough to take any risks. I caught a lot of fish that summer!
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Re: Boys and fishing

Postby Lefty » 01 03, 2020 •  [Post 7]

Tigger wrote:Dunno why, but watching my two 11 year old boys take out our little 14 foot boat with a 7.5 Johnson really makes me happy!

Sign of a good dad
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