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rainbows on ice

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rainbows on ice

Postby 2Rivers » 03 31, 2019 •  [Post 1]

gunflint trail mn. stocked lake that gets fished hard summer and winter. fished with my daughter who was on spring break.
IMG_1003.jpg (50.16 KiB) Viewed 3786 times
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Re: rainbows on ice

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 04 02, 2019 •  [Post 2]

Very nice. Look like pretty dang big bows!
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Re: rainbows on ice

Postby Lefty » 04 15, 2019 •  [Post 3]

Looks incredible. How thick was the ice?
The year we were married(1988) that following spring during Spring break we had to use an extension on our auger in southern Minnesota on Lake Washington ( Le Sueur County )44" of ice
Good fishing a great ice fishing are some of the things I miss from Minnesota.

that is a pic of some good looking fish. My wife was big into trout fishing here in Idaho . But they are far from fine for great table fare unless they are red meat. In comparison to any native Minnesota fish ( exceptions of cat fish :lol: )
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Re: rainbows on ice

Postby 2Rivers » 04 16, 2019 •  [Post 4]

about 30"-34" of ice, there was lots of insulating snow cover this winter. depending on the lake you were on there was a lot of slush making travel difficult.
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Re: rainbows on ice

Postby Lefty » 04 17, 2019 •  [Post 5]

Sure is a nice mess of fish!
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