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Learning to fish

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Learning to fish

Postby wawhitey » 01 06, 2019 •  [Post 1]

So i eat a lot of fish and ive been wanting to start fishing so i can catch my own. Lots of rivers and lakes around offering year round opportunity for trout, walleye etc. So the old man got me a trout rod for christmas. Went out a couple days ago and got a reel, a spool of line and some spinners, swivels etc. Ran over to lake roosevelt today to give it a whirl and sure as hell caught a dandy rainbow trout. Had it for dinner tonight. Plenty big enough for a couple good meals but i pigged out and ate the whole damned thing. In the course of hunting, scouting, shed hunting etc im always driving right by rivers and lakes i could be fishing. Now ill just keep my fishing gear in my truck at all times, and i can pull over somewhere on my way home from my other outdoor activities and do a bit of fishing for a couple hours, or even just 20 or 30 minutes, whatever, see about securing the nights dinner. A new hobby and means to procure food that wont take time away from my hunting, i can just do it in any spare daylight i might have in my wanderings. Already thinking about getting a smoker. Think some smoked canned trout would be great.
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Re: Learning to fish

Postby Tigger » 01 07, 2019 •  [Post 2]

give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him to fish and he will be perpetually broke as the saying goes!

For me, hunting comes first. But I really enjoy fishing. Not much to hunt in May-July. We go to Canada for walleyes, smallies, and pike every year and it is really a fun time with the kids. and if you want an adrenaline rush, try musky fishing!
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Re: Learning to fish

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 01 11, 2019 •  [Post 3]

Nice! The worm has turned for you bud.
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Re: Learning to fish

Postby Roosiebull » 01 28, 2019 •  [Post 4]

Fishing is a very natural progression for you, it fills in all of the little voids throughout the year. Fishing came first for me, then hunting, but I think the 2 go hand in hand.

All I have ever done for recreation is fish and hunt, they are kind of one in the same, when you break down the basics, they are literally the same activity.
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Re: Learning to fish

Postby wawhitey » 06 06, 2019 •  [Post 5]

Stopped on the bank of the kettle river on my way home from the woods this afternoon. Caught a couple nice smallmouth bass. Ive never caught or eaten them before, and damn i was surprised at how good they are!
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Re: Learning to fish

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 06 07, 2019 •  [Post 6]

Yep, one of the finest eating fish are fresh fileted bass, small or largemouth.
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Re: Learning to fish

Postby wawhitey » 06 07, 2019 •  [Post 7]

WapitiTalk1 wrote:Yep, one of the finest eating fish are fresh fileted bass, small or largemouth.

I think ill be going out to try to catch a few more today. I could eat those suckers til i burst. I actually caught one the day before too, at another spot down stream, but it was too small so i let it go. Got a couple rainbows on the line the last couple days, but both jumped a couple times and spit the hook. After eating those bass though, id much rather catch them than trout.
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Re: Learning to fish

Postby BrentLaBere » 06 18, 2019 •  [Post 8]

Those bass are fun to catch. Havent tried eating them yet. Did you just pick the bones after you cooked the filet? Always herd they were pretty bony fish.
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Re: Learning to fish

Postby Tigger » 06 18, 2019 •  [Post 9]

egads, bass to eat? you need to try walleyes. Bass are okay at best. Walleyes are awesome, sunnies and crappies right behind. pike are good, then bass.
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Re: Learning to fish

Postby elkstalker » 06 18, 2019 •  [Post 10]

Smallmouth are one of my favorite warmwater species to eat, right behind walleye, perch, and other panfish. Good eats right there!
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Re: Learning to fish

Postby Lefty » 06 19, 2019 •  [Post 11]

Tigger wrote:egads, bass to eat? you need to try walleyes. Bass are okay at best. Walleyes are awesome, sunnies and crappies right behind. pike are good, then bass.

Even perch squeeze in right after walleye.
My wife is from Idaho so she had only been thinking "trout were good eating Until she ate decent walleye and crappies.
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