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Ice Fishing!

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Ice Fishing!

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 12 19, 2018 •  [Post 1]

Man, I miss ice fishing from when I lived in Montana. Anybody out there getting geared up to hit the ice for some frosty fish soon?
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Re: Ice Fishing!

Postby Tigger » 12 19, 2018 •  [Post 2]

Been out a few times. 2-3 walleyes each time. my kids love it.
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Re: Ice Fishing!

Postby jmez » 12 19, 2018 •  [Post 3]

I'll be trying to catch some perch over the weekend though I'm not good with them. Walleye water doesn't have safe ice yet. Pretty spotty around here. My kids love it as well.

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Re: Ice Fishing!

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 12 20, 2018 •  [Post 4]

Do u guys use an ice house or just hunker around a fire?
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Re: Ice Fishing!

Postby jmez » 12 20, 2018 •  [Post 5]

I have an ice house. I wouldn't fish without one. A lot of guys do it but not me. I use the hub style and have a big one. Little buddy heater and stays warm.

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Re: Ice Fishing!

Postby Lefty » 01 06, 2019 •  [Post 6]

Evidently my daughter is fishing, The ladder was against the upper deck in the shed. the auger, heater,popup shed and sled are gone.

I use to fish alot. My dad gave me and some buddies his fish house when he had another. I got a lot of homework done when fishing was slow.

I think I could live in some of those newer Viking or Yettis houses
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Re: Ice Fishing!

Postby elkstalker » 01 28, 2019 •  [Post 7]

Been out a few times this year, done well for burbot (ling) and not so well for trout, but it's something to do now that the waterfowl and upland seasons are over.
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Re: Ice Fishing!

Postby jmez » 01 28, 2019 •  [Post 8]

I haven't been out near enough. Inconsistent ice on my walleye lake has kept me off the ice.

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Re: Ice Fishing!

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 02 19, 2019 •  [Post 9]

elkstalker wrote:Been out a few times this year, done well for burbot (ling) and not so well for trout, but it's something to do now that the waterfowl and upland seasons are over.

Man, I used to love fishing for the ling. Damn fine table fare also.
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Re: Ice Fishing!

Postby wawhitey » 02 20, 2019 •  [Post 10]

elkstalker wrote:Been out a few times this year, done well for burbot (ling) and not so well for trout, but it's something to do now that the waterfowl and upland seasons are over.

I guess people fish for bourbot here on lake roosevelt which is very close to my house. Never had it before, im brand new to fishing really. I may give the bourbot thing a shot. I hear its good eating.
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