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2024 Meat pole,,,

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2024 Meat pole,,,

Postby Lefty » 06 10, 2024 •  [Post 1]

make it a sticky!
A 20 year old snow goose and a 6 year old snow goose,, a very worn band and warty bird!

I was headed out to my daughters to set up for turkeys. Part way there she called me, Ded there is a turkey I know I can get ,,, but she loaned her 20 to the neighbor!"
She calls back
"Dad I got my gun is it ok if I shoot the tom."
She hung up.

As I pulled in the drive I heard a report, She had called the neighbor got their gun locker and garage code,,, only found one shell ran out put the sneak on the flock and got the tome

and I never did make it turkey hunting this spring



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Re: 2024 Meat pole,,,

Postby Lefty » 07 01, 2024 •  [Post 2]

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Re: 2024 Meat pole,,,

Postby 7mmfan » 07 01, 2024 •  [Post 3]

A lot of fat on there!
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