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My Favorite Elk Hunt

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My Favorite Elk Hunt

Postby Swede » 02 07, 2024 •  [Post 1]

For you old timers this may be a challenge. Regardless, whether you have hunted for many seasons or just a few, which elk hunt stands out as your favorite?

I think the one that means the most to me stands out for several reasons. In 1993 I discovered a water hole that was getting regular use by an elk or maybe several. I could see a well-worn path to the water hole, and it had a long string of rubs adjacent to it. I was only vaguely familiar with tree stand hunting, but decided after checking out the trail and water hole I would set one up and try to ambush a bull there. The next week I had to work, but on Friday evening after work my sone was home from his summer school with Oregon State University. He would be off until late September.
This hunt stands out as special because I killed my first tree stand bull (5X5), learned a lot about tree stand hunting, and because I got to hunt with my son.
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Re: My Favorite Elk Hunt

Postby Elkhunttoo » 02 07, 2024 •  [Post 2]

IMG_4368.jpeg (148.72 KiB) Viewed 650 times

IMG_5083.jpeg (105.88 KiB) Viewed 650 times

Wow Swede…no way I can narrow it down to one…every year comes with anticipation, highs, lows, and a ton of fun with those that I hunt with….from hunting with my dad and brothers to now mainly hunting with my brother in laws and my wife.

In the summer of 2018 I switched jobs to one that gives my quite a bit of time off compared to most jobs. This has definitely allowed me to extend my seasons since then and create more and more memories.

I will just name the most recent great hunt.

In 2022 my brother in law was able to take a bear early in the season and then later in the season my other brother in law was able to shoot a six point bull. Both out of the same tree stand and both with there bow’s…it capitalized the fun we had had over the past few years to have a little success
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Re: My Favorite Elk Hunt

Postby Lefty » 02 08, 2024 •  [Post 3]

I think almost all hunts are favorites in fact I can't even think of one that I regretted.
Maybe it all started on an antelope hunt and we came across two bulls hiding in the sagebrush .
The next year sitting at a water hole in a box blind
with all my new archery gear. 10 minutes before sunset I heard my first ever bugle 1200 yd away.from thesameareaas those bedded bulls the previous year.

The next Friday evening I had a bowl for cows with four calves come charging in. How the ball was clunking 11 yd away I bounced an arrow of his G4.
But maybe the first time I watched my granddaughters eyes grow huge when a bull called back at her raking and stomping.
Or the 8 minutes my daughter was 20 ft away from a 247 bull
Are the time we called a big herd up followed by a wolf pack.

This list would get pretty long
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Re: My Favorite Elk Hunt

Postby 2MANY » 02 14, 2024 •  [Post 4]

Next year.
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Re: My Favorite Elk Hunt

Postby Lefty » 04 01, 2024 •  [Post 5]

2MANY wrote:Next year.

"Next hunt"
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