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Take cover!

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Take cover!

Postby Elkhunttoo » 05 19, 2023 •  [Post 1]

Towards the end of last year I found a really good spring/wallow. I moved my stand to it and sat it for the last 4 or so days of the season. This summer I will get back in there and clear the branches I need to so that I have all the lanes that I want.

My problem with this particular area is the tree that I’m on has very little cover to brake me up. I was thinking of taking some of my old blind material in this summer and making a partial blind behind my stand to help.

A little description of the area is the stand is about 20 yards below the spring. The way my stand is placed I have my left shoulder towards the wallow and the small stream is about 10 yards in front of my feet.

Only thing I had come in last year was a doe. I had heard a small something behind me but nothing so a long time so I figured it was a bird or squirrels. About 8:00 am I hadn’t drawn my bow back yet and I like to do that in the morning. So with a little glance around I went to work. Always practicing as if it was real. Slowly got my bow which I have on a hook on my right side just below my seat on this stand. I pull my bow up, draw, then put it back. Then I hear bounce bounce bounce. I look behind me to see the doe bouncing off.

I think if I add some cover to this tree it will make the difference in the crucial moments.

Any thoughts on this or has someone tried it?
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Re: Take cover!

Postby Swede » 05 20, 2023 •  [Post 2]

If I do not have limbs or other trees behind me, I take things and set them up to break up my outline. It does not need to be fancy. Elk are not very smart when it comes to things like that. An old, shredded blind should be perfect. You could tie a small pole across the tree above your head and tie it on. A couple of old shredded shirts or a died half bed sheet would work too. That would make cheap camo. I avoid blue things, because I have read that deer and elk see blue but have not noticed a problem when I wear blue jeans.
Wapiti Hunting - Tree Stand Tactics
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Re: Take cover!

Postby Elkhunttoo » 05 20, 2023 •  [Post 3]

Good to know. We did ground blinds a few years back and I bought several mesh 4x12 foot leafy blinds for around $2 a piece on sale. I still have a bunch of it.

My plan is to use a pole and tie it on top and bottom and then attach it to the tree. I will get pictures of it when I do it and see what you think of it.
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Re: Take cover!

Postby Swede » 05 20, 2023 •  [Post 4]

I don't know about tying it off at the bottom. I might weigh it down a little, but would prefer it not look solid, and flutter a little in the breeze. I can't be sure since I have not tried it the way. you plan. Let me know what you experience.
Wapiti Hunting - Tree Stand Tactics
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Re: Take cover!

Postby Jhg » 05 20, 2023 •  [Post 5]

A well known whitetail archer used cloth around his stands to break up his silhouette/movement. I would do it and plan having to on one stand site.
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Re: Take cover!

Postby Elkhunttoo » 05 21, 2023 •  [Post 6]

I sure felt like I needed cover at this spot and feel like it will make all the difference
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Re: Take cover!

Postby Swede » 05 21, 2023 •  [Post 7]

Your cover sure does not need to be fancy. It just needs to break up your outline and I prefer mine not to look like a solid mass. That said I have seen tree houses that must work for some people. Elk may be great at detecting movement, hearing things and smelling us, but they are real idiots when it comes to figuring out things. :D
Wapiti Hunting - Tree Stand Tactics
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