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Tree Stands, How Many?

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Tree Stands, How Many?

Postby Swede » 05 16, 2024 •  [Post 1]

This is for you tree stand hunters. How many stands will you be setting out this year and for what critters? Normally I put up two for myself and add one if I think of another place that needs to be watched over. I only hunt elk from a tree stand. I plan to set my stands up in late August, just before the season opens. They will remain up until I get my elk, or it is time to go home.
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Re: Tree Stands, How Many?

Postby 7mmfan » 05 16, 2024 •  [Post 2]

I won't be elk hunting from a stand, but i'm seriously considering it for Blacktail. I've got a couple of clearcuts that are proven producers, but they've grown up enough that you can't hunt them effectively from the ground. I'm considering putting a couple of stands up on either end of the cut so I can hunt various wind directions. If I get 20-30' up, i'll have a commanding view of the ground and be able to look down into the reprod. We'll see if I can make the time to hike in there and scout it before this fall.
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Re: Tree Stands, How Many?

Postby Lefty » 05 16, 2024 •  [Post 3]

I may set my stand up for bear, and use archery gear.
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Re: Tree Stands, How Many?

Postby Deanmac » 05 17, 2024 •  [Post 4]

For Whitetail will have at least a dozen, ladders and shooting houses, plus four climbers in different places.
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Re: Tree Stands, How Many?

Postby Elkhunttoo » 05 23, 2024 •  [Post 5]

We will have three for sure and possibly 4…we also have 3 tree saddles in our group that we will use. So I guys a total of six or seven…usually 4 of us on and off throughout the season
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Re: Tree Stands, How Many?

Postby Swede » 05 23, 2024 •  [Post 6]

How well do you guys lie the tree saddle? They always looked very uncomfortable and unstable to me, so I have steered away from them.
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Re: Tree Stands, How Many?

Postby Elkhunttoo » 05 24, 2024 •  [Post 7]

We used three different types last year. Mine was a home made do it yourself job. Wasn’t really comfortable but I could sit 5-6 hours in it ones I got used to it. Definitely a C grade and plenty of room for improvement.

My other brother in law spent a little and got one of the cheaper saddles. He enjoyed his but it was a 5-6 hours too. He did a couple of all day sits in it but by the end of the day he was a little sore. Probably a B grade

Other brother in law got a JX3 hybrid saddle. He loved it. Super comfortable for all day. Most of the guys that we saw advertised with them didn’t used a foot platform but he got one. He absolutely loves it. Multiple all day sits and not sore at all. Definitely an A grade…he used it for several white tail hunts in Arkansas after the elk hunt. He has no intentions at this time to ever go back to a stand

I take an arrow with a field tip and every day I will pick a target and a time. If nothing is around I shoot that field arrow at my target and I shot really good out of my saddle.

My main reason for getting a saddle was to be able to set up close to my wife. Let her pick what stand she wants and then I can set up close by and we can both feel confident in our day
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Re: Tree Stands, How Many?

Postby Elkhunttoo » 05 24, 2024 •  [Post 8]

IMG_5673.jpeg (144.69 KiB) Viewed 428 times

Opening day last year in my saddle
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Re: Tree Stands, How Many?

Postby Swede » 05 25, 2024 •  [Post 9]

Cowboy, you have piqued my interest, but I still have a couple of questions: 1. can you safely pee from your tree saddles or are you like the kid in the Johnny Jump Up? 2. How high do you go up the tree?
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Re: Tree Stands, How Many?

Postby Elkhunttoo » 05 27, 2024 •  [Post 10]

It took me a while to figure out the peeing. I was able to get it figured out to where it is now a none issue. We go about the same height in the saddles as the stands, kinda varies a little with each tree and set up. I have both of my brother in laws with me this weekend and asked them. The one that has the “B” grade tree stand probably said it best. He says if you have a spot you know you are going to sit the stand is best. But if you aren’t sold on any one spot and want to be a little bit flexible the saddle is really nice to have.

We watched tons of white tail saddle hunters on YouTube before we got ours. Some of them have some pretty good ideas. The biggest difference between the white tail hunters and what we found is “light weight” changes in the mountains. Packing your saddle and your climbing sticks around in the mountains is just way different.
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Re: Tree Stands, How Many?

Postby Swede » 05 27, 2024 •  [Post 11]

Elkhunt, I think you are right. Thanks.
Wapiti Hunting - Tree Stand Tactics
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