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Bad moves

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Bad moves

Postby Elkhunttoo » 01 22, 2024 •  [Post 1]

Last year I put a tree stand in a place that I was sure I would sit in 2023. Yet every day I found myself and my hunting group wishing the stand was elsewhere. It was simply a bad move to put the stand where I did and it was backed up by slow camera activity.

I’m hoping I can make some good moves this year and that my luck will change a bit. I keep going back to last season and trying to think of what I did wrong. I really just feel like the main plan was solid but the elk just didn’t work my way.

We had a few cameras in the back up area this last year. I did spend two days in that area. It was hard to say if either area was better than the other. Our main spot has been down on elk the last two seasons but it has also been warm the last two years. Not sure if that has played into anything or if it’s just bad luck.

Sure hoping for some good moves in ‘24
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Re: Bad moves

Postby Elkhunttoo » 01 22, 2024 •  [Post 2]

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Re: Bad moves

Postby Elkhunttoo » 01 22, 2024 •  [Post 3]

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Re: Bad moves

Postby Tigger » 01 23, 2024 •  [Post 4]

Ahh, isnt hunting great? It is like a giant 10,000 piece puzzle you have to solve. But wait, the puzzle pieces are constantly changing so just when you think you have it, you are not even close.

Trail cams....a view into a world you are not meant to see. We have debated trail cams in our whitetail woods. Are you better off not knowing what is there? Or do you get more enjoyment out of seeing all kinds of animals?
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Re: Bad moves

Postby 7mmfan » 01 23, 2024 •  [Post 5]

Tigger wrote:Trail cams....a view into a world you are not meant to see. We have debated trail cams in our whitetail woods. Are you better off not knowing what is there? Or do you get more enjoyment out of seeing all kinds of animals?

This is an interesting comment and topic of discussion. I have never run a single trail camera. Where I live, running trail cameras for blacktail would be helpful in knowing what is around, but they aren't nearly as predictable or habitual as whitetail, or even elk for that matter. They just tend to live in a small area. I have often had a gut reaction that tells me I wouldn't be as excited to kill that buck that I had been watching on camera all summer, as I am when I scout on foot, know the area well, and simply know there are deer there and go get a nice buck from the area. I say that without ever having done it though, and i certainly appreciate it when acquaintances that run cameras in the area send me pictures.
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Re: Bad moves

Postby Swede » 01 26, 2024 •  [Post 6]

There is always some luck involved. You check the trails and watch the wind. You get into a tree at a height that gives you good cover, and the darn elk just don't come in and give you a shot. It happens. Stick it out. Your luck will change. No elk hunting technique I know of for public land otc tags come with easy success.
Too many people expect first day success. That is not my experience. If that is not bad enough, I have noticed that tree stand hunting is getting harder as the years go by. When I first started, I could kill a half dozen elk per season. Not anymore. Stick it out. Calling and spot and stalk elk hunting are not getting easier either.
I find success at tree stand hunting very gratifying. I have built a plan and proved it works. This year I have a new location I want to check out. Will it work. I hope to make a further evaluation this coming summer. We will see. I can assure you that if it works well, I will find a lot of satisfaction in putting the 10,000-piece puzzle together.
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