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Colorado….. Canadian Gray Wolves released

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Colorado….. Canadian Gray Wolves released

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 12 20, 2023 •  [Post 1]

What do they say about those who forget history? What is wrong with these people. I’ve said it 1000 times you cannot introduce Apex predators into an established ecosystem and expect it to work. It’s the beginning of the end of the largest elk herd in our great country :oops: Idiots.

https://www.coloradopolitics.com/news/g ... 4d4bb.html
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Re: Colorado….. Canadian Gray Wolves released

Postby saddlesore » 12 21, 2023 •  [Post 2]

Yep,this was another wildlife management by ballot . Since we can't talk politics on this forum , all I can I say is the measure passed by a slim 2% margin by voters that did not live in the proposed released area. 5 wolves released about 20 miles SW of of Kremmling CO,in the Radium SWA.

That is the problem of not permitting politics on this forum.It would have been possible to alert and educate more voters that this was happening, who was pushing it, and why. In this country we see what is happening, we cannot separate wildlife management from politics. Watch the video and you will see the governor and his first husband releasing the wolves.

Now Colorado Hunters, farmers, and ranchers will suffer the same effects as Montana,Wyoming, and Idaho.For those naysayers take a look at the charts of elk depredation by wolves in the Yellowstone elk herd. Scroll down to the charts.

https://www.nps.gov/yell/learn/ys-24-1- ... uction.htm
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Re: Colorado….. Canadian Gray Wolves released

Postby wawhitey » 12 22, 2023 •  [Post 3]

I hope they enjoy it as much as we have. Man our moose especially have gone downhill hard as wolf numbers went up. Yeah we still have moose, and some nice ones, but its a shadow of what it was 10 years ago. Im not even going to bother applying for washington moose permits anymore.
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Re: Colorado….. Canadian Gray Wolves released

Postby Swede » 12 22, 2023 •  [Post 4]

I think we have a perception problem. Only 5.2 percent of Colorado residents are licensed hunters. Most people do not think or care about hunting. Absolutely no offence is intended here, but when we categorize people as "idiots" because they do not share our values who is the idiot? Not one person on my wife's side of the family is a licensed hunter. On my side I just have one cousin that hunts occasionally. If there was only a 2% difference in a vote for against wolves in Colorado, I am surprised. The ranchers must have threatened to raise meat prices at the grocery store.
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Re: Colorado….. Canadian Gray Wolves released

Postby saddlesore » 12 22, 2023 •  [Post 5]

There has always been a problem of people not caring enough to vote. Of the people that did vote, there was only a 2% difference of yes vs no votes. In fact there was a very large turn out of rural Coloradoans that did vote no. However, as I have mentioned several times, there are more liberal democratic voters in Denver and Boulder than all the rest of the population in Colorado that vote conservative.This is true in any big city in the U.S. and why the U.S. Senate is limited in the number of senators from each state. The fact is, all across our country , it is pretty evenly divided between conservatives and liberals.When was the last time ther ewas land slide win in of any presidential nominee?

It is not a perception problem. The people that pushed this want to stop all hunting. Even our Governors husband stated publicly that he wants all hunting stopped.So who is it that don't our values and want to change our culture.

Ranchers have no say on what meat cost in the grocery store.Take that up with the packing houses,whole sellers and grocery stores stores.The price of beef cattle and other meats on the hoof has never kept up with inflation.When predators are introduced that directly effect the rancher's pocket book. There isn't anything about a perception problem. It is not about sharing values it is about trying to change everyone, to accept different values. I don't care of others don't hunt, don't own firearms, drive a Chevy ,Ford or Dodge, hunt with a bow or a rifle, pray to a different God or not at all,vote Democrat or Republican. I care about those people trying to change what I do and what I believe.
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Re: Colorado….. Canadian Gray Wolves released

Postby Lefty » 12 22, 2023 •  [Post 6]

Sadly the the animal rights activists are wading through all the states using many animals as a means to say they are eliminating cruelty by hunters, fishermen and trappers.
While there are well-meaning ( and uneducated) in general it a means of fundraising.

My old trapping buddy from M n, called today, Last night at 3:00 AM his first wolves on camera. North of the Metro area

Populations will plummet, Hunters numbers reduce where any possibility of wildlife management will be gone

Always been this train of thought there is a balance in Nature,,, Nope never has been.
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Re: Colorado….. Canadian Gray Wolves released

Postby Swede » 12 22, 2023 •  [Post 7]

Swede wrote:The ranchers must have threatened to raise meat prices at the grocery store.

That was intended to be tongue in cheek. I doubt wolves in Colorado will change beef prices anywhere. If the merit of having or not having wolves back in the wild is not based on perceived personal interests, then did the voters choose to knowingly vote against themselves? Maybe they just want to support the governor's husband? There is a balance in nature, but nature is harsh, and when a place gets overpopulated by certain critters the cutback may be very severe. Bringing in wolves will likely cause a new balance as far as deer and elk numbers are concerned. Broncos and Nuggets fans will still be buying tickets, drinks and popcorn. If you want to see people in Colorado riled up start a petition to remove the Broncos and Nuggets from all of Colorado.
It was reported that the wolves sent to Colorado came from Oregon. I just wish they took all of them. :D
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Re: Colorado….. Canadian Gray Wolves released

Postby wawhitey » 12 22, 2023 •  [Post 8]

Its also being said that at least 3 of the transplants have been killing livestock in oregon
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Re: Colorado….. Canadian Gray Wolves released

Postby Lefty » 12 22, 2023 •  [Post 9]

wawhitey wrote:Its also being said that at least 3 of the transplants have been killing livestock in oregon

So smart move on Oregons part, :lol: :lol: Ship the troublke makers to Colorado
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Re: Colorado….. Canadian Gray Wolves released

Postby saddlesore » 12 23, 2023 •  [Post 10]

As an after thought these were the numbers of the wolf vote in Colorado.


Choice Votes %
Yes 1,590,299 50.91
No 1,533,313 49.09
Valid votes 3,123,612 94.89
Invalid votes 168,049 5.11
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Re: Colorado….. Canadian Gray Wolves released

Postby saddlesore » 12 23, 2023 •  [Post 11]

This how sneaky CPW is.
They the press and public know they released five wolves, but kept the other five a secret.

https://cpw.state.co.us/aboutus/Pages/N ... ewsID=4007
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Re: Colorado….. Canadian Gray Wolves released

Postby Lefty » 12 24, 2023 •  [Post 12]

I wonder how it will work for wolves from 4 packs and so many younger wolves,,,
I hope the big makes kill the ones that don't starve to death.

What haven't we learned :?: about reintroductions
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Re: Colorado….. Canadian Gray Wolves released

Postby >>>---WW----> » 12 25, 2023 •  [Post 13]

The wolves were released due to the very slim marginable vote of the hockey moms and soccer dads (aka city slickers) of the big citys on the eastern slope. But the wolves were released on the western slope, far from their big city enviorment. Imagean that!!!!!!!!!!
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