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Best thing I ever ate in a restaurant, part 3, SEAFOOD

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Best thing I ever ate in a restaurant, part 3, SEAFOOD

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 12 05, 2023 •  [Post 1]

For this third episode, please... share the best thing you ever ate in a restaurant... SEAFOOD. Share the dish and the restaurant if you wish (give that joint a plug)... Tell us about that tasty Seafood dish. And in 3, 2, 1... here we go.
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Re: Best thing I ever ate in a restaurant, part 3, SEAFOOD

Postby 7mmfan » 12 06, 2023 •  [Post 2]

The Westmark Hotel in Sitka had the absolute best Halibut nuggets I've ever eaten. Seems weird that a glorfied fish and chips could stand out, but something they mixed into their batter/panko mix was amazing.

I've had great seafood in general (lingcod, prawns, etc) at Anthony's Homeport in Everett, but I think my best tasting seafood was either self prepared or by a friend/family member. I refuse to eat salmon at a restaurant. I fully admit that I'm a complete fish snob. 10 years of chartering anglers in SE AK does that to you.
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Re: Best thing I ever ate in a restaurant, part 3, SEAFOOD

Postby Tigger » 12 06, 2023 •  [Post 3]

All you can eat Lobster on our cruise a few years back sure brings back gluttonous memories! It was sooo good and I ate sooo much. I remember thinking, I dont care about the fact I am about to become obese, pass me another lobster! Make it 2! Yeah, another couple more would be great! Still have the ability to stand, so give me another couple. Probably need a couple for the walk...errr waddle back to our room.
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Re: Best thing I ever ate in a restaurant, part 3, SEAFOOD

Postby Swede » 12 07, 2023 •  [Post 4]

I get seafood every once in a while, but I am drawing a blank on which was the best or most memorable. I guess I will go with Skipper's fish & chips.
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Re: Best thing I ever ate in a restaurant, part 3, SEAFOOD

Postby Lefty » 12 11, 2023 •  [Post 5]

Some smancy place in Portland Or. 25 years ago. A place we couldn't afford even the tip :lol: It was near the River. My wife and I tried to find it a few years back,,, The homeless had taken over the whole area.

A very Spicy Shimp,,, Just incredible
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