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Found another abandoned dog

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Found another abandoned dog

Postby wawhitey » 10 29, 2023 •  [Post 1]

Sorry if im starting to sound like a broken record, finding dumped dogs all the time. This one, i really need help. No idea what breed she is. Shes stout and has a cropped tail, thats all i know. She was really hesitant to get in my truck. Guess you could call her feral. And the big problem is she eats a LOT. i dont think i can afford to keep feeding her. And the last couple days shes been digging and digging under my porch, she wont stop. Begging for help here, somebody take this dog off my hands. Shes a real sweetheart but just more than i can handle right now.
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Re: Found another abandoned dog

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 10 29, 2023 •  [Post 2]

Bet that one is hell on the upholstery in your truck; odd looking breed indeed :shock: :lol: haha
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Re: Found another abandoned dog

Postby wawhitey » 10 29, 2023 •  [Post 3]

WapitiTalk1 wrote:Bet that one in hell on the upholstery in your truck; odd looking breed indeed :shock: :lol: haha

Yeah, she really needs her nails trimmed!. But luckily i had my seat covered in hunting gear. My back seat is fine but my wool coat and zeiss scope were pretty much destroyed before she calmed down though. Thinking of sending that stuff in for warranty repair but dont know if theyll cover rescue dog damage.
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Re: Found another abandoned dog

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 10 29, 2023 •  [Post 4]

Not sure it’s a stray dog at all. Looks like she’s well trained to ride in the back seat. Maybe put some “found dog” flyers in town?
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Re: Found another abandoned dog

Postby Lefty » 11 01, 2023 •  [Post 5]

I've seen that breed before.
In a few weeks they'll nap for months.
Feed her up good now. And she may not bother you till the end of March.
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