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Do Nothing, Know Nothing or Afraid?

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Do Nothing, Know Nothing or Afraid?

Postby Swede » 10 11, 2023 •  [Post 1]

I see very few threads exploring questions on game behavior, or tactics to get them. Sometimes I suppose this kind of question raises differences in opinion when someone ventures to share their ideas.
I was disappointed that I had only one, maybe two nonsensical replies to my question on the tree stand forum about ways to stay warm in my stand. That can't be a controversial matter, and everyone knows you can't just drop your bow and go rifle hunting. No one is going to quit bow hunting for a few days of chilly weather.
I am guessing folks either don't know a good solution, which is possible, or they are afraid their answer might reveal their ignorance. Maybe it is something else, but we have bragged how we are here to assist one another. Where is the evidence?
It is not just my thread in question. I would like to see more evidence that the forum is active, caring, and not Just a hangout for wise crackers and a few old farts wanting to exalt themselves. I know I am one of the old farts and can demonstrate areas times of bad behavior, (RJ PMs me at times) but I would like to see more while at the same time keeping the forum a fun place to visit.
Don't worry the larger hunting forums are even more trashy and are filled with even more stupid comments. I don't spend much time there as I do not like living at a garbage dump.
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Re: Do Nothing, Know Nothing or Afraid?

Postby Tigger » 10 11, 2023 •  [Post 2]

I missed that thread. I will give a few thoughts as I have plenty of cold days in my treestand in MN in November. I finally have found a system that works form me.
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Re: Do Nothing, Know Nothing or Afraid?

Postby 7mmfan » 10 11, 2023 •  [Post 3]

Swede, I think there's a couple of things that add up to not much dialogue on your tree stand thread:

1. It's hunting season. A significant number of the small group of active members here are out hunting.
2. Of that group of members, a majority are probably from the west, where tree stand hunting isn't nearly as common as back east.
3. People are busy. The only time of day that I have to review WT is on my lunch from work because after work we have all the other life duties that need to happen.

I have tree stand hunted, I've even tree stand hunted when it was really cold outside, but I do not view myself as having the knowledge base or experience to add anything meaningful to your thread, so I do as my mom taught me when I don't have anything good to say, I keep my mouth shut. I often view the "nonsensical" responses in threads like that as people actually trying to help spur some conversation by keeping the thread alive, not trying to detract from it with responses that don't apply.

I know that most of the premium hunting gear companies offer a "whitetail clothing system" that usually applies to cold weather tree stand hunting. That would be about the extent of any suggestion I have. Wear big loose fitting boots with warm socks. Change those socks when you get to your stand if your feet got sweaty at all. Electric vests and puffy pants would seem to be a good idea as well, as long they are quiet and don't limit your range of motion. Maybe build a tree house and pack in a propane heater.
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Re: Do Nothing, Know Nothing or Afraid?

Postby Tigger » 10 11, 2023 •  [Post 4]

I added a bunch of ideas to that thread. A tree house with a propane heater makes a lot of sense though....
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Re: Do Nothing, Know Nothing or Afraid?

Postby Swede » 10 11, 2023 •  [Post 5]

Thanks Guys. I thought this thread could get something stirred up. :D We don't want the forum to be boring and, frankly, sometimes it is better to stir up a controversy than see nothing but a few junk posts.
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Re: Do Nothing, Know Nothing or Afraid?

Postby saddlesore » 10 12, 2023 •  [Post 6]

I know nothing about tree stand hunting. I don't like heights. I did it once,about the fourth step up the ladder, my toes wanted to curl around the steps and I had death grip on the sides. Once I was up there, I was more worried about falling than watching for deer. I was not up there long enough to get cold.
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Re: Do Nothing, Know Nothing or Afraid?

Postby Swede » 10 12, 2023 •  [Post 7]

I believe there are many tree-stand hunters that are actually afraid of heights. They miss when they shoot and complain that the stand is not set up for their situation. I find they stay too close to the tree and can't go out to the limit of the platform. This situation does not allow them to maneuver their body and the arm that draws their bow. Even when they can draw, they are too nervous to shoot well. Just like Saddlesore, they are best to hunt on the ground. I see it has not handicapped Vince too much.
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Re: Do Nothing, Know Nothing or Afraid?

Postby Lefty » 10 12, 2023 •  [Post 8]

7mmfan wrote:1. It's hunting season. A significant number of the small group of active members here are out hunting.

I should be sleeping,, getting ready for tomorrow.

Other than Sundays, since the last day in August I missed huning one day
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