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Do Nothing, Know Nothing or Afraid?

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Do Nothing, Know Nothing or Afraid?

Postby Swede » 10 11, 2023 •  [Post 1]

I see very few threads exploring questions on game behavior, or tactics to get them. Sometimes I suppose this kind of question raises differences in opinion when someone ventures to share their ideas. I was disappointed that I had only one, maybe two nonsensical replies to my question on the tree stand forum about ways to stay warm in my stand. That can't be a controversial matter, and everyone knows you can't just drop your bow and go rifle hunting. No one is going to quit bow hunting for a few days of chilly weather. I am guessing folks either don't know a good solution, which is possible, or they are afraid their answer might reveal their ignorance. Maybe it is something else, but we have bragged how we are here to assist one another.
Wapiti Hunting - Tree Stand Tactics
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Re: Do Nothing, Know Nothing or Afraid?

Postby Lefty » 10 13, 2023 •  [Post 2]

Swede Im going to choose afraid!! :lol: I made my living in part climbing ladders, so it not heights. But the fear of hitting the ground when I fall.
And its not the cold, Ive killed plenty of games in sub-10 from layout and ground blinds.
Plus I prefer an active hunt.

Swede while my remark may have come across as nonsensical. My archery hunting is over in September. I will sit in a ground blind or an onsite blind. But my elevated stand days are most likely over.
I go to shoulder-mounted firearms. Rifle, shotgun and muzzleloader for the next months

My formative deer stand hunting started in 1970 in northern Minnesota, My first day on a stand I was 12 years old it was -10 when I got back to the camper. I had on layers and layers of wool clothing, There was no way I could have drawn a bow.
The deer hunt was closed the next year in MN. We went to Canada, where temperatures never got above zero Fahrenheit. I hunted from a stand.

All those clothes drawing a bow was impractical.

My neighbor and my big archery whitetail hunters back in Mn and Iowa. . Late season hunt. My local guys just sit on the stand and stick it out for shorter time periods. Generally the last hour of LST that's their strategy and it works
My Minnesota and Iowa guys have heater-type body suits and electric, socks, vests etc. And all too often stay out when they are too cold to shoot.

The last two days I spent about 15 hours in the pouring rain and snow and wind, mule deer hunting. Inside pop-up ground blind. protected from the wind and snow/rain.
A Minnesota friend built a tree fort, 30 feet in the air for the grandkids, totally enclosed and heat.

Ive selected an area near my camp,,, where I plan to set up a popup ground blind next year , where some days it will be my place to hunt elk when Im not willing or able to do elevation hikes. and I have planned on another location to put in an enclosed elevated stane too.

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Where my brother stores his work trucks a hunt club has all manners of deer blinds some are mobile mounted in grain wagons late season they have heat.
And where we hunted durinfg the snow goose season most far/ag store have ground and elevated blinds for sale. And we saw dozens and dozens of them in fields everywhere most are set up for heat

M brothers best friend has 5 elevated deer stands with heat his hobby to provide local kids with a good place to hunt. He is just minutes from the Canadian border.
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