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October 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Moderators: Swede, Tigger, Lefty, Indian Summer, WapitiTalk1

October 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 10 03, 2023 •  [Post 1]

This month’s theme is “My favorite elk weapon!”. Let's see some pics of your favorite elk hunting weapon; a pic of it in the elk woods if possible.

1. One photo submission allowed per month, per member (yep, stinky MODs may enter a photo also).
2. Photo must relate to the monthly theme (or risk being disqualified).
3. Do not use photo editing software to enhance your photo. Just post the photo as it was taken with your camera, smart phone, trail cam, etc. You may have to resize some photos so they are accepted by the forum software; remember, photos can only be 800X600 pixels "MAX" for our forum.
4. You may use older photos you have on hand, but, do not submit a photo that has won a previous WT photo contest.
5. Any WT member may enter a photo they have taken or appear in.
6. Judging – WT members will vote on monthly photo submissions.
7. Contest period will normally end the last day of the month.
8. Winner must contact WapitiTalk1 via PM and provide mailing address for prize (your prize may be sent directly from a WT sponsor or from RJ).
9. Prizes will vary from month to month.
10. All monthly winners will be automatically entered into the "photo of the year" contest.

The prize for the October 2023 contest is to be determined.
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Re: October 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby 7mmfan » 10 03, 2023 •  [Post 2]

My oldest and favorite weapon. Totally stock Ruger MK II M77 All weather 7mm Remington Magnum. Dad went in 50/50 on it with me when I turned 16. 23 years later it continues to be an exceptionally accurate and dependable rifle.
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Re: October 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby Billy Goat » 10 04, 2023 •  [Post 3]

Savage LWH in .308 with a Redfield 4x12-40 with Accurange Reticle. I can hit reliably out to 400 yards with this, and the 165 Nos AB still has the whompum at that distance. crazy lightweight and still accurate.

I've killed 2 elk with it, both inside 30 yards. :)

have not yet trusted a goat to carry it though. :)
13 huntin buddies resized.jpg
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Re: October 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby Indian Summer » 10 06, 2023 •  [Post 4]

If this gun could talk!
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Re: October 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby Swede » 10 27, 2023 •  [Post 5]

Blizzard Travelpillow with his hunting gear.
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Re: October 2023 WapitiTalk Photo of the Month Contest

Postby Lefty » 10 31, 2023 •  [Post 6]

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Browning A-bolt in 7mm.
Couple of moose,deer, elk, antelope and a few unfortunate coyotes.
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