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Andrew went antelope hunting today

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Andrew went antelope hunting today

Postby Lefty » 09 26, 2023 •  [Post 1]


26558.jpeg (58.58 KiB) Viewed 769 times

He did see more elk than I have today
And yesterday
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Re: Andrew went antelope hunting today

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 09 27, 2023 •  [Post 2]

Cripes! Good luck getting within bow range of that squad :lol:
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Re: Andrew went antelope hunting today

Postby 7mmfan » 09 28, 2023 •  [Post 3]

Those are big antelope.
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Re: Andrew went antelope hunting today

Postby Swede » 09 28, 2023 •  [Post 4]

This reminds me of my hunt. I went for elk and saw big bucks. Lots of bucks.
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Re: Andrew went antelope hunting today

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 09 29, 2023 •  [Post 5]

Swede wrote:This reminds me of my hunt. I went for elk and saw big bucks. Lots of bucks.

Muleys or whitetail? I"m guessing mule deer in the high plains I believe you hunt in.
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Re: Andrew went antelope hunting today

Postby Swede » 09 29, 2023 •  [Post 6]

It was just Mulies. There were no monsters there like you occasionally see in the desert and the Malheur refuge. I admired one buck on the refuge that I believe became the Oregon record holder for a lucky smoke pole hunter when the buck stepped off the refuge. When you see a buck like that there is no doubt you are observing a record holder. When I saw him stand up from behind a large Sage bush, I thought the brush was starting to move until I saw the body.
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Re: Andrew went antelope hunting today

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 09 29, 2023 •  [Post 7]

Such handsome deer, I love the muleys.
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Re: Andrew went antelope hunting today

Postby Lefty » 10 01, 2023 •  [Post 8]

Yesterday was our last day archery hunting elk
A good morning. Talkers all morning, we finally keyed in on a herd with a 6x,5x, a raghorn and spike. We just couldn't get into position for a shot.

My daughter had to be back home. I suggested they keep after the herd and I would hike out to my truck and drive around to pick them up .

While Julie and Andrew followed my suggestion, "sneak into the last place we heard the 5x5" he could be bedded right there 150 yards away from us. They didn't follow through on my regular recommendation, set up, and range a every possible shooting lane before calling

Well, they did sneak in, and softly called. And at 27 yards the 5x5 stood up stepped into the open, stood and stared at those two , then walked away.

They never had a knocked arrow :lol:
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Re: Andrew went antelope hunting today

Postby Swede » 10 01, 2023 •  [Post 9]

Lefty wrote:Well, they did sneak in, and softly called. And at 27 yards the 5x5 stood up stepped into the open, stood and stared at those two , then walked away.

I wish nothing that disappointing and disgusting ever happened to me. :oops:
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