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Postby Lefty » 07 11, 2023 •  [Post 1]

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Re: Brusier

Postby 7mmfan » 07 11, 2023 •  [Post 2]

He is exactly that. I've seen him. He has an ENORMOUS body. He frequents a customer of mine's property. His neighbor has 5 years of sheds from him. Pretty incredible bull. Bugles all fall and destroys their apple and plum trees. Full blast rut even though there's no other elk there. Him and the one black bear on the island are frequently seen in the same area.
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Re: Brusier

Postby Lefty » 07 11, 2023 •  [Post 3]

It is interesting where some animals end up. For a few years we had a pine martin in Southern Minnesota,, my guess he got a ride on the vehicle.

Then where mountian lions sometimes show up.

in Utah there was Floyd the flamingo

My wife and I watched a buck swim across a reservoir while we were fishing...
And how did black bears end up on Prince of Wales
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Re: Brusier

Postby wawhitey » 07 11, 2023 •  [Post 4]

Lefty wrote:And how did black bears end up on Prince of Wales

A bear or any other critter could island hop and get to POW from the mainland without ever swimming more than a mile at a time. Especially over zarembo. A mile swim is no sweat for most animals. I wonder why the elk on zarembo arent going for swims and expanding.
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Re: Brusier

Postby Lefty » 07 22, 2023 •  [Post 5]

What I maybe should have asked Why arent there any Brown bears on Prince of Wales!!!

My brothers best friend babysat a Kodiak Island his first year in Alaska: he thought it was great, live on an Island for four months, read , play music, $20,000 plus food and ammo.
Thye warned him about bears swimming between island,,, and always carry a shotgun.
He killed two boars bears,,, between the outhouse and the cabin,,, l
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