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Snowmelt at 10,500'

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Snowmelt at 10,500'

Postby Jhg » 06 15, 2023 •  [Post 1]

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Re: Snowmelt at 10,500'

Postby Lefty » 06 15, 2023 •  [Post 2]

Sitting north of Pocatello Idaho I can see snow up on the hillside at about 7800.
Last week there were still drifts in the pass at 6500 feet,,

And we still have flood warnings from melting snow.
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Re: Snowmelt at 10,500'

Postby Lefty » 06 20, 2023 •  [Post 3]

A few places in the Montana Idaho wyoming region had snow last night Were suppose to ge frost in the valleys tonight
Still some drifts blocking roads above 8500
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Re: Snowmelt at 10,500'

Postby saddlesore » 06 20, 2023 •  [Post 4]

I can see Pikes Peak from my place. Snow is down to about 9500 ft, just below tree line. Usually we can see snow until the first of July or so up there.
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Re: Snowmelt at 10,500'

Postby Lefty » 06 25, 2023 •  [Post 5]

saddlesore wrote:I can see Pikes Peak from my place. Snow is down to about 9500 ft, just below the tree line. Usually, we can see snow until the first of July or soup there.

We had a lot of snow and an unusual Spring north wind storm in March. I can look out the front door and see deep drifts on the northern slope under 6000 feet maybe 7 miles from where Im sitting Pocatello is at 4500 feet.

Those two March storms were really hard on Wyoming game
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Re: Snowmelt at 10,500'

Postby wawhitey » 06 30, 2023 •  [Post 6]

Snow melt at 0'. Chukchi sea.
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