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What are you shooting and why.

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What are you shooting and why.

Postby Lefty » 07 31, 2024 •  [Post 1]

For archery hunting I'm shooting my '06 Matthew Switchback, My wife had seen the interest that I had in a buddies bow who wanted a brand new bow, so my Loving wife bought the Switchback for me.

For all my other big game again my wife bought me or allowed me to haha buy a Remington 7mm. For whatever reason as a kid from Minnesota I wanted a 7mm. I had sold my 308 Remington carbine to my brother.
And was using my wife's Browning 30-0-6
When my childhood redfield scopes failed.
I then purchased a Browning A bolt for Christmas of 2001.
That gun is killed grown squirrels coyotes rock chucks moose elk mule deer antelope lock bears, grouse and rabbits.
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Re: What are you shooting and why.

Postby Tigger » 07 31, 2024 •  [Post 2]

I have a Mathews Halon. Not sure of the year. I won it at an RMEF banquet. Good bow. I like it. It likes me. We get along like pals.

For a scattergun, I shot a Beretta 390 for 27 years. Love it almost as much as my wife. She actually bought it for me. Would it be weird to be buried with it when i die??? But I wanted to try something else for waterfowl. Bought a Benelli SBE3. Like it. We are getting to know each other. Hate the safety position in the back of the trigger guard.

For a rifle, I have 2. Sako A7 in 300 Wizzum from the mid 90s. We have a good working relationship, but we don't see each other enough. The other is a Browning XBolt in 7-08 which is about 10 years old. Really really like it. Wish we could spend more time together. Best of friends though.
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Re: What are you shooting and why.

Postby 7mmfan » 07 31, 2024 •  [Post 3]

I have a Bowtech I haven't shot in years. Just sitting in a case in the garage. Should dust it off and rekindle that relationship one of these days.

My shotgun is a Benelli M2 20 ga. Absolutely love that gun. It's a dream to carry and shoot. 3" #4 steel is heck on ducks.

My old trusty rifle is a Ruger MK2 M77 Stainless 7mm Rem Mag. It's so accurate and dependable it's boring. With my 4-14 Leupold with CDS dial I can one shot kill milk jugs to 700 yards. I bought when I turned 16 in 2000, 50/50 with my Dad. I will likely hand this one down when I'm too old to hunt.

I also have a Remington Mountain Rifle in 7mm-08 that is my problem child. I love the gun but it refuses to shoot for me. Working up a new load this year that it will hopefully like. It's killed a few animals, but I just have no confidence in it.
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Re: What are you shooting and why.

Postby Lefty » 08 04, 2024 •  [Post 4]

When I was into serious goose killing I was shooting a BPS 10 gauge . My shoulder got real bad and I thought even my M1 Benelli 12 was too much ,was given a Benelli 20
Mostly just shoot the Benelli 12 I shoot lighter steel loads so recoil isn't much of a problem
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