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Gear Review. Pack-a-pull

Moderators: Swede, Tigger, Lefty, Indian Summer, WapitiTalk1

Gear Review. Pack-a-pull

Postby Lefty » 08 19, 2023 •  [Post 1]


Ill start with I use to teach Applied physics to a program that was poorly funded. Yet 20% of my 9th-grade students receive college credit ( Brag brag brag) . For years I carried the pulleys from an old weightset in my day pack which were also used in class.
To the point. As a solo hunter, I've used pulleys in the field for years. to help me gut, butcher, and load game.

"Weighs 4 oz. and fits in the palm of your hand
Use with your favorite 7/64″ to 3/16″ cord/rope, shop our store for availability
Easily hang from tree limb or other high structure with supplied throw-bag
Recommended working load limit is 200 lbs.*
Reference cord manufacturer ratings for weight limitations"

Im pretty frugal, and also a whole lot minimalist So these lightweight pulleys were easy to substitute in and get rid of what I had been using.

Last fall I butchered my buck raising up into a relatively small quakie to cut up meat.

A great value for me!
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Re: Gear Review. Pack-a-pull

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 09 22, 2023 •  [Post 2]

Mine will be here tomorrow. Anxious to try it out!
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