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Dick Tracy phone Technologies

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Dick Tracy phone Technologies

Postby Lefty » 09 08, 2022 •  [Post 1]

Andrew and I were sitting in the woods with a couple of cow elk in front of us for nearly 2 hours. Eventually the elk made a move and spent 20 minutes mostly between us, we were 24 yards apart but in the meantime we had quite the view of the elk while they're feeding. Andrew was sending video from his phone to my daughter really rubbing it in that she was going to have to show up to shoot her elk.I was really impressed how long the elk hung around us with the swirling winds .

It was very evident when the second cow was 9 yds from me she couldn't bear my stink

Also I didn't know there were this many elk hunters in the United States but Andrew posted his video on some other elk site and he had 1,000 views in less than 15 minutes.

Out of the whole deal what upsets me the most is he has cell reception and I have absolutely nothing in that region
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