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What are you adding to your day pack!

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What are you adding to your day pack!

Postby Lefty » 07 25, 2022 •  [Post 1]

Or subtracting from your pack !!

Im making some changes. Ill still try to keep a superthin/lightweight one size fits all rain poncho .. for an emergency.
I am changing from each of us packing 6x 9 utra-light painters plastic to me adding a 9x12 medium duty plastic drop painters plastic.

I had never been much of a flashlight/head lamp guy, In the desert I didnt really need one.
However in the timber and two years of no sighting of grizzlies we will be out and stay further in after dark. We did manage cutting up our elk and first trip out and back to camp at 2 AM but not much head lamp light left. So we will each add a light.
Ill also replace two Bic lighters.

Ad for Julie and Andrews pack: extra wind check,,, :o :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ill also hammer into my partners( daughter; Julie, and her boyfriend) shoot wolves :P
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Re: What are you adding to your day pack!

Postby wawhitey » 07 25, 2022 •  [Post 2]

Only thing i plan on adding to my pack this year is more blood stains
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Re: What are you adding to your day pack!

Postby Swede » 07 26, 2022 •  [Post 3]

Nothing. I may even try to lighten my load.
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