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Norma Bond Strike Ammo

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Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 06 21, 2022 •  [Post 1]

Have any of you cats put some of these downrange? Specifically their 300 WSM 180G rounds. Grabbed a box, overall reviews look solid but always interested in actual hunter thoughts. Thanks. RJ

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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby Tigger » 06 22, 2022 •  [Post 2]

Nope, I use Barnes TTSX 180 grain in my 300 WSM. It just kills stuff.
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 06 23, 2022 •  [Post 3]

So, that’s a no for Tigger ;)
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby Lefty » 06 24, 2022 •  [Post 4]

Tigger wrote:Nope, I use Barnes TTSX 180 grain in my 300 WSM. It just kills stuff.
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby Swede » 06 24, 2022 •  [Post 5]

At least it does not take Tigger long to tell us he is ignorant. Lefty needs to write even less. It is nice of you clowns to wax eloquent on the obvious. :D
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby Tigger » 06 27, 2022 •  [Post 6]

I gave my actual hunter thoughts. He never said they had to be coherent!
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby 7mmfan » 06 27, 2022 •  [Post 7]

Do we have any idea what the bullet actually is? Does Norma make their own bullets? The only blue tip bullets I know are Barnes, but that doesn't appear to be the case here. I'm of the opinion though that any 180 gr lump of copper and lead moving 3000 fps is going to kill whatever it hits.

I am a Barnes fan as well though, like Tigger. The 145 LRX in my 7mm Rem Mag is absolutely devastating.
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby Swede » 06 27, 2022 •  [Post 8]

In some disturbed way you clowns are starting to make sense. When I find you characters interesting, is that a sign I am losing it?
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby 7mmfan » 06 27, 2022 •  [Post 9]

Swede wrote:In some disturbed way you clowns are starting to make sense. When I find you characters interesting, is that a sign I am losing it?

Absolutely. But we won't judge you. Tigger might, but the rest of us won't.
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby Tigger » 06 28, 2022 •  [Post 10]

No judging here! We already know you lost it long ago, so no need to pile on. :o

RJ, I echo 7's question. What is the bullet and how is it constructed?
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby Swede » 06 28, 2022 •  [Post 11]

https://www.gunsandammo.com/editorial/n ... let/364340

As I suspected, these characters have been just babbling along. Now they are trying to answer RJ's question with a question. There are web sites with professional opinions and test on the ammo. The above site is an example.
RJ, if you want to know something, look it up.
Normally, when I read goofy stuff from out of the peanut gallery, I see Lefty's handle attached. For now, he is preoccupied with starting his own nonsense. :roll:
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 06 28, 2022 •  [Post 12]

This is what I get for trying to spark some elk ammo chat. :? Just checking to see if any of you huckleberries had tried this round. Swede, I did read that review which is one of the reasons I grabbed a box. 300 WSM ammo is hard to find, especially the Barnes round that you guys mentioned. Gonna be using one of my buddies big boom sticks this year for elk in the cowboy state, figured I should at least buy the ammo :D
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby Swede » 06 28, 2022 •  [Post 13]

WapitiTalk1 wrote:Gonna be using one of my buddies big boom sticks this year for elk in the cowboy state, figured I should at least buy the ammo

That is big of you. I am glad you did not wait to get useful information from two of my favorite "huckleberries."
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby 7mmfan » 06 29, 2022 •  [Post 14]

Swede is just stirring the pot and trying to make huckleberry jam out of this thread and our questions.

I really don't know anything about Norma ammo or the bullets they use, but it seems that the reviews are decent and you have a box now so we'll find out when that bullet smacks the soft spot behind the shoulder. Knowing how you hunt, you will likely kill him in bow range. Hopefully you are able to connect during archery season and it's a moot point.
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby Swede » 06 29, 2022 •  [Post 15]

7mmfan wrote:Swede is just stirring the pot and trying to make huckleberry jam out of this thread and our questions.

Perfect assessment. I saw an opportunity to stir up something and you and Tigger are good sports. I am pleased to have you two around here. Hopefully it keeps the site interesting.
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby Tigger » 06 29, 2022 •  [Post 16]

Swede wrote:
7mmfan wrote:Swede is just stirring the pot and trying to make huckleberry jam out of this thread and our questions.

Perfect assessment. I saw an opportunity to stir up something and you and Tigger are good sports. I am pleased to have you two around here. Hopefully it keeps the site interesting.

Why am I looking over my shoulder as I read this.....something is up 7mm....keep one hand on your wallet and both eyes looking out for Swede. :P
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby 7mmfan » 06 29, 2022 •  [Post 17]

Tigger wrote:
Swede wrote:
7mmfan wrote:Swede is just stirring the pot and trying to make huckleberry jam out of this thread and our questions.

Perfect assessment. I saw an opportunity to stir up something and you and Tigger are good sports. I am pleased to have you two around here. Hopefully it keeps the site interesting.

Why am I looking over my shoulder as I read this.....something is up 7mm....keep one hand on your wallet and both eyes looking out for Swede. :P

From my office window I have a clear view down the street. It would be tough for him to sneak up on me here. I've got the bb gun handy to fend of starlings though, it might slow down Swede should he make a move.
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 07 18, 2022 •  [Post 18]

Spend the weekend up in Sekiu at my buddies cabin. Spent many hours up in the sticks shooting our big boom sticks. I’ll tell you now, no trout about it, the Norma Bondstrike is for real. At the end of the day, I was banging steel at 625 yards. I’m sold and just ordered two more boxes. Elk will die in Wyoming this year.
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby 7mmfan » 07 19, 2022 •  [Post 19]

Glad to hear it!
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby wawhitey » 07 19, 2022 •  [Post 20]

Never tried norma ammo. Just ordered 3 boxes of .308 to test it out. I have several .308s, and am cobbling together another in anticipation of getting my .30 cal suppressor thats currently in atf form 4 limbo
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 07 19, 2022 •  [Post 21]

I'll be ordering some .308 also. I usually get my hunting .308 ammo from Underwood out of Montana but they seldom have what I want in stock anymore.
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby Swede » 07 20, 2022 •  [Post 22]

Whereas i used to shoot Norma ammo for years, I have never heard of "Bond Strike" before. The Norm ammo I used all seemed to work fine, but I cannot say it is better or worse than other brands.
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby Indian Summer » 07 22, 2022 •  [Post 23]

A guy from Nosler told me that the only bullet that can kill an elk is an Accubond.
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby wawhitey » 07 22, 2022 •  [Post 24]

Indian Summer wrote:A guy from Nosler told me that the only bullet that can kill an elk is an Accubond.

If a guy from hornady or sierra told me that, id be inclined to take him seriously :lol:
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby >>>---WW----> » 07 26, 2022 •  [Post 25]

Swede wrote:In some disturbed way you clowns are starting to make sense. When I find you characters interesting, is that a sign I am losing it?

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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby wawhitey » 12 26, 2022 •  [Post 26]

So, rj, did you ever test the bondstrike stuff out to see how accurate it is from your rifle? After you posted that i bought 3 boxes of bondstrike to test out, but havent gotten around to it yet
Then, i found the 150gr noma soft point (elk box) on sale for a screaming deal, $15 per box. Its not the norma whitetail ammo, which has a different bullet, cup n core style, and a whitetail on the box. Its a different bullet, i believe the oryx bullet, with an elk on the box. Supposedly similar to an accubond. Being so cheap, i ordered a couple dozen boxes, figuring garbage ball ammo is that price, and once fired norma bass would pay for itself. Seemed like a no brainer.
Now i still havent tried out the bondstrike, but i will soon in my new shorty 308 bolt gun.
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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby 7mmfan » 12 27, 2022 •  [Post 27]

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Re: Norma Bond Strike Ammo

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 12 27, 2022 •  [Post 28]

wawhitey wrote:So, rj, did you ever test the bondstrike stuff out to see how accurate it is from your rifle? After you posted that i bought 3 boxes of bondstrike to test out, but havent gotten around to it yet
Then, i found the 150gr noma soft point (elk box) on sale for a screaming deal, $15 per box. Its not the norma whitetail ammo, which has a different bullet, cup n core style, and a whitetail on the box. Its a different bullet, i believe the oryx bullet, with an elk on the box. Supposedly similar to an accubond. Being so cheap, i ordered a couple dozen boxes, figuring garbage ball ammo is that price, and once fired norma bass would pay for itself. Seemed like a no brainer.
Now i still havent tried out the bondstrike, but i will soon in my new shorty 308 bolt gun.

Holy crap, that's a screaming deal! No, I haven't tried out the Norma ammo in my 308 yet; probably won't till springtime at this point.
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