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Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such ??

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Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such ??

Postby RichM » 05 29, 2022 •  [Post 1]

So I want to buy myself a Christmas present for an Oryx hunt I drew for early next year (2023).
I plan on using a tripod for the new glass and have my current 8x42s in my harness (for now).

I've been looking at the following:
Vortex Kaibab 18x56s
Sig Zulu9 15x56
Maven B6 in either 15x56 or 18x56
MeoStar B1 Plus 15x56

Swarovski and Leica and the like are well out of my price range.
I think the binoculars will be less tiring when used over long periods of time than a dedicated spotting scope.
What are people's opinions on optics for wide open desert hunts be it Mule Deer or Oryx under $1500?

Eventually I want to replace my 10 year old Nikon Monarchs with a set of 10x42 or 50s.,
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby Swede » 06 01, 2022 •  [Post 2]

I see that your thread is a short one after a couple of days on-line. I have never had 15X or 18X binoculars and I have never hunted oryx, but this is the best advise posted received, so far so don't complain.

I would keep the 8X binoculars and add a good spotting scope to clarify game or search out select areas. I think the flexibility in power with the spotting scope gives it the advantage. I know you can get variable power binoculars, but I would rather have the spotting scope.

BTW: If anyone wants to complain about my advice just send me $20. Upon receipt of the funds, I will post permission on this forum for you to make one stupid gripe. :D
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby wawhitey » 06 01, 2022 •  [Post 3]

Swede, i owe ya 20 bucks cause im going to argue a bit. Depeds on what the binos are for imo. I think the best thing for FINDING game, especially hard to see game like bedded bucks, where a guy is looking for ears twitching etc, is a good set of 15x binos on a tripod. You can look through them all day with both eyes open, with no eye fatigue. And tell the difference between big one or not. Then, if youre really worried about trophy quality, you can switch to a spotter after youve located an intreresting animal. But nobody wants to 1 eye it all day. That burns a guy out. For glassing up deer or elk, id say a combo of high powered binos and a scope, both on tripods. For critters like bears, that are very active and move a lot mid day, id think a guy could skip the middle man and just spot a potential target with hand held binos, and make a final decision with a mounted spotter. Just my thoughts, take em or leave em. Theres something to be said about the wisdom that comes with age, and swede is one old bastard :lol:
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby Swede » 06 01, 2022 •  [Post 4]

You make some good points Whitey so you can keep your $20.
Where I disagree is with the idea of looking a long time through mid-grade binoculars. I have a pair of 8X42 Leupold upper mid-grade binos. I can look for quite a while through them, but it can lead to eyestrain after a while. With 15X or 18X binoculars I could not stay very long looking through them.
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby 7mmfan » 06 02, 2022 •  [Post 5]

I have never hunted true desert or oryx either, but I've hunted a lot of high mountain terrain where I'm glassing long distances and looking for bits and pieces of animals. I have always used 10x binos and a spotter. This year I picked up a pair of 12x binos as I have just felt under gunned the last couple of years in some of the locations we are hunting. If I'm going to set up and glass a basin that is a mile wide, having the more powerful binos on a tripod where I can sit comfortably and just stare through the glass does make a big difference in what you come up with out there.

The videos I've watched of the really serious SW hunters that hunt Oryx and Couse Deer show many of those guys using 2 spotters mounted together to create a giant set of binoculars. That is one expensive set of binos.
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby Swede » 06 02, 2022 •  [Post 6]

7MM, it is time for a reality check here. You need the higher power binos because your eyes are getting old and tired. How could a person tape two spotting scopes together and have them in parallax?
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby 7mmfan » 06 02, 2022 •  [Post 7]

Swede wrote:7MM, it is time for a reality check here. You need the higher power binos because your eyes are getting old and tired. How could a person tape two spotting scopes together and have them in parallax?

You bite your tongue old man! :D I'm going to turn 38 this year, but have acknowledged that my eyes aren't near what they used to be. Funny how as I get older I'm learning to let my eyes do the walking for me, but now my eyes are getting tired of doing the walking!

Don't ask me about the physics of multiple spotters mounted together, I'm just passing on what I've seen.
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby 7mmfan » 06 02, 2022 •  [Post 8]

Maybe this is what I actually saw, but didn't realize it at the time.

https://www.scheels.com/p/swarovski-btx ... uAQAvD_BwE
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby 7mmfan » 06 02, 2022 •  [Post 9]

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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby Swede » 06 02, 2022 •  [Post 10]

7MM you are correct for once in a million. I see what they are doing, and it looks feasible enough. You should get yourself a candy bar and celebrate. :D
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby 7mmfan » 06 02, 2022 •  [Post 11]

I think I'll do just that Swede
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby Swede » 06 02, 2022 •  [Post 12]

My celebrations are usually very small. Probably it would be a diet soda or a piece of celery. I am 1#-2# over the weight my doctor wants me at. I either need to get with the program and lose the weight or get a new doctor. Getting a new doctor is not easy around here, but losing those pounds is not either. :cry:
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby Lefty » 06 02, 2022 •  [Post 13]

I use to be a strong advocate for 8x,,,,, because shakes, and eyestrain, glass is so much better than what was made even 15 years

Binos don't replace a spotting scope and a spotting scope wont replace binos
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby RichM » 08 09, 2022 •  [Post 14]

So the consensus is spotting scope and not big binos. With that in mind, of these choices what are peoples experiences?

Vortex Razor HD 27-60x85 mm
Meopta MeoPro 80 HD 20-60x80mm
Athlon Ares 20-60x85 G2 UHD

I'm trying to keep things around $1,100.
The Meopta and Vortex are going to be a stretch for me.
Athlons are getting good reviews and would save me a few $$.
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby 7mmfan » 08 09, 2022 •  [Post 15]

Can't help you. No experience with any of them.
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby Swede » 08 10, 2022 •  [Post 16]

The Vortex used to be a real bargain, but as they grew in popularity, so did the price. I have some of their glass and it is excellent, but I do not have one of their spotting scopes. Often a company starts out with a great product, but because they are relatively unknown, they begin with a lower price. If the Athlon scope has a money back guarantee, and will let you try them out, I would be tempted to give them a try. You would have only the cost of shipping to lose.

Never mind poor 7mm. He is easily confused. He thinks you are running a pole on spotting scope experience. Lefty is likely to add his nothing in a few minutes. :D
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby 7mmfan » 08 10, 2022 •  [Post 17]

I'm just constantly confused about what's actually going on. Is this what adulthood is all about?
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby Swede » 08 10, 2022 •  [Post 18]

I think so 7mm. It isn't easy, and my garbage is probably no better than yours. It is fun making a joke of others as long as it does not get out of hand. You are always a good sport.
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby 7mmfan » 08 10, 2022 •  [Post 19]

Swede wrote:I think so 7mm. It isn't easy, and my garbage is probably no better than yours. It is fun making a joke of others as long as it does not get out of hand. You are always a good sport.

Life wouldn't be any fun if you couldn't take a joke.
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby Lefty » 08 10, 2022 •  [Post 20]

Swede wrote:Never mind poor 7mm. He is easily confused.
Lefty is likely to add his nothing in a few minutes. :D

I added my nothingness on June 2nd.

But ill add more. :P I do not own any Vortex glass products.( I do have a have some nice T-shirts and a lightweight jacket). My daughter does own a range finder binos and spotting scope. The Vortex spotting scope is a pleasure to view through

Swede: you're getting like my wife, thinking you know what we're thinking :lol: :lol:
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby Swede » 08 10, 2022 •  [Post 21]

Lefty wrote:Swede: you're getting like my wife, thinking you know what we're thinking

Wake up and smell the coffee. In your case Postum. Your wife is on to you. When a person has just three basic thoughts; food, sex and whatever they are monkeying with at the time; it is pretty easy to figure out which one is stirring in their head.
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby >>>---WW----> » 08 10, 2022 •  [Post 22]

Rich: Try before you buy if at all possible.

I have a set of 20x60 binoculars that are good and clear. However, the eye relief is terrible. You have to really get in tight to them. It is so bad that on a cool day the lenses fog up just from the heat from your eyes. So, I'll repeat! Try before you buy if at all possible.
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby Swede » 08 10, 2022 •  [Post 23]

I might have guessed that it would be some old curmudgeon that would have something useful to add.
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby 7mmfan » 08 10, 2022 •  [Post 24]

Swede wrote:I might have guessed that it would be some old curmudgeon that would have something useful to add.

Oh so us younguns don't have anything of value to say? Are we just sucking up all the air from you old curmudgeons?
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby Swede » 08 11, 2022 •  [Post 25]

7mmfan wrote:Oh so us younguns don't have anything of value to say? Are we just sucking up all the air from you old curmudgeons?

I do not know if you had anything valuable to help Rich, but I know you didn't offer it. :D
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby 7mmfan » 08 11, 2022 •  [Post 26]

Swede wrote:
7mmfan wrote:Oh so us younguns don't have anything of value to say? Are we just sucking up all the air from you old curmudgeons?

I do not know if you had anything valuable to help Rich, but I know you didn't offer it. :D

I didn't have anything of value. So you were right for once. I have 12x50 Leupold binos I use on a tripod and a small Leupold spotter. Nothing even close to the caliber of what he's looking for info on.

I've corrupted his thread enough now, I'll bow out so hopefully someone with valuable info can respond.
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby Swede » 08 11, 2022 •  [Post 27]

7mmfan wrote:So you were right for once.

It is not about being right or wrong. It how sweet and kind I am in dealing with you. Now, where is that derelict Tigger? I have not abused him in a long time. :D
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby RichM » 12 08, 2022 •  [Post 28]

Ended up buying a Kowa 88A with a the 25-60X eyepiece.
Way more than I wanted to spend. Not sure if my older eyes are worth the quality glass either. I hope to do some scouting this weekend and try our the new glass. Buy once cry once.

Maybe by the time my birthday rolls by this summer I'll have enough saved to for new set of 10x50 or 10x42 binoculars.
Till then, ramen it is.
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby 7mmfan » 12 08, 2022 •  [Post 29]

Looks like great glass. I'm sure you'll thoroughly enjoy it. Don't abuse yourself too much, throw some canned chicken in that Ramen.

I can add that after using my 12x50 binos all fall, I was very impressed. I used them for extended glassing sessions at long distances off a tripod, and also freehand at closer ranges. They are a little too powerful for good freehand glassing but are serviceable. Off the tripod was fantastic though.
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Re: Binoculars for desert hunts, 15x or 18x, and other such

Postby Tigger » 12 13, 2022 •  [Post 30]

How did I miss this thread?

Did anyone catch when a jubilant celebration is called for, Swede celebrates with a stick of celery????? :?: :lol: :o

Man, what a rebel! Party on Swede!

As for the glass, I have a Leupy spotter. works good. be nice to have 15X binocs for certain situations. Buy me some for Christmas Swede! I will take the Swaros.
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