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Guide for Writing an Outdoor Gear Review

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Guide for Writing an Outdoor Gear Review

Postby WapitiTalk1 » 12 27, 2018 •  [Post 1]

Guide for Writing an Outdoor Gear Review (Tips)

1. Title your thread/review like this: Gear Review - Jetboil Flash (or obviously, the item you're reviewing).
2. Try to be honest, critical, and objective. Other hunters/outdoorsman are looking at your review and it may help them decide if they want to purchase (or not purchase) an item you’re reviewing. Also, the smart gear companies actually welcome honest evaluations of their products and will seek ways to improve what they make based on field feedback/reviews.
3. Attempt to make your review based on real world testing, not just initial impression.
4. Framing/structure of review.
Part 1. Product information (key specifications); initial thoughts (unboxing… construction… instructions… completeness).
Part 2. Review of product features and functions (discuss how the item actually worked for you in a field environment and applicability, i.e., this product would work best for/in…).
Part 3. Finally, offer a conclusion/summary (quality, value, likes/dislikes). And yes, if you have already had experience with the customer service this product company provides, and, perhaps thoughts on the warranty provided, please share your thoughts.
5. Photos of the item/gear during un-boxing and testing/use are always a plus.
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